Monday, 8 August 2022

Receving God's goodness

"Instead, his delight is in the LORD'S instruction, and he meditates on it day and night."   
                                                                                                Psalm 1:2   CSB 

The person who sees things the way God sees them, is the person who delights in the Lord's instruction - the Word of God. The word, 'Delight', means to take great pleasure in something, it is enjoyment and the person who we have mentioned above, takes the greatest of pleasure in Him. 

Pleasure and enjoyment can be found all around, the world is good at doing this. But the world's pleasures, lead to loss - loss of the Kingdom of God on Judgement Day. The delight or pleasure we are addressing is, the delight a believer takes in knowing Jesus.

The person who delights in Jesus, is the one whose mind is fixed on Him. Day and night, he fills his mind with the Word of God. He does this by meditation. Jewish people call this, 'Davening', and it includes reciting scriptures, praying intense prayers and 'getting lost in communion with God.' Many Jewish people can be seen doing this at The Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. As they do this, they rock to and fro with occasional bowing. We as Christians do a similar thing when we are engrossed in worship and fellowship and calling out to God with praise.

To meditate is to train the mind to be emptied of all irrelevant things as we focus on the main object - Jesus. As we shut out distractions this way, we are able to reach out to Jesus and have communion with Him - deeply. As we delight in God, our heart becomes filled with the love of God and the Holy Spirit begins to minister to us. To neglect delighting in God, our heart can be filled with unwholesome thoughts, disappointments and sinful desire. We either live and walk in blessing or, we walk in the curse.

You can tell what is in your heart by the way you act and speak. Therefore, make some changes in your life and determine that, from today you are going to delight in the Lord's instruction. Then, begin to meditate on this - daily

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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