Wednesday, 17 August 2022

What is the Fear of the LORD Part 3

"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction."                                                                             Proverbs I:7

Basically, if we truly fear God, we acknowledge in our hearts that He is the creator and we are His creation. He is the master, we are His servants. We respect Him for who He is. We will do all we can to be obedient to His word and try not to displease Him. This is not an example of a slave to His master - far from it. It is a reverential and respectful attitude towards Him, such as, a child to a parent.

To fear God properly, God expects us to live a reverent life. The problem is, we are still open to committing sin and sometimes, wilfully. From one point of view, we could expect God to wipe us away for deliberately sinning. However, He is full of grace; we are still learning and will be until we are with Him. God is faithful and loving.

Psalm 130:3-4 tells us:
'LORD if you kept a record of our sins, who O LORD could ever survive? 4 But You offer forgiveness, that we might learn to fear You.'  NLT

God has provided the ability for us to repent and as we do, we receive a reason to fear - a reason to change. Gratefulness and the desire to grow in love and, to be more like Him.
Just for a moment, consider Psalm 130:3-4. Just imagine if God did keep a record of your sin; it's easy to understand how we could never survive this. This is how it will be for all those who refuse to accept Jesus as Lord. When they stand before Him at the end of time, they will need to give an account for what is written in His book about them. If Jesus hasn't rubber-stamped it with His forgiveness, they will be lost without any hope. This is what the fear of the Lord is. He offers each individual a place in Heaven through Jesus Christ. If they fail to comply, there is only hell to look forward to


(1)  God is our master - we are His servants. We are not slaves to our master -God. We have a reverential and respectful attitude towards Him - a child to a parent.
(2)  We are to live reverent lives; God is full of grace and understands that we sin, often; He knows that we're still learning.
(3)  When we repent, He gives us a reason to fear - a reason to change. Any sin is then cancelled out.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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