Wednesday, 31 August 2022

You're accepted

"All that the Father gives Me will come to Me and, the one who comes to Me, I will by no means cast out."                                                                            John 6:37   NKJV

Over the past couple of days we have looked at 'Insecurity and lacking of confidence'. These two areas are linked to 'acceptance', whether or not you feel you belong. Let's start by asking how do you rate in this area? Do you feel accepted? Are you confident that you belong or do you doubt whether people's feelings towards you are genuine? Firstly, let's look at what Jesus says here. He mentions a very small word with a very big meaning, 'all'. Are you willing to accept the fact that you belong in that 'all'?

If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, then you can be certain that you fit into the 'all'. You may not feel like it, but you do. Part of the problem is that you may have been let down in the past; life can be like that. You may find it difficult to believe people. Whatever kind word they may speak to you, you look for an ulterior  motive - 'What are they after?' It's hard to trust people when you have been abused by life. However, you have to start somewhere and, this verse is a good place to do that. 

Jesus says, people who belong in the 'all', will go to Him. Now, this is where you start. Just the fact that you are a Christian means that at sometime you went to Jesus and He accepted you. That's right, you were accepted that day and He will never cast you away - never. Therefore, you need to carry on going to Him. You won't have far to go because, He's right beside you.

You may have been a Christian for many years yet, deep down in your spirit you hide away, no one sees this but, it is becoming more apparent. It all develops from insecurity and lack of confidence. This has led to you having a low self-esteem. Someone may have wounded you when you were younger and there is pain - a festering wound that requires healing. Why not say this prayer right now:

'Lord Jesus, I know that You love me and that I want to serve You wholeheartedly. I keep trying but feel I am being held back by lack of confidence, insecurity and low self-worth. Lord, I come to You now and ask You to help me to be free. Whatever has caused these feelings Lord, I give to You and receive my healing now. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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