Thursday, 1 September 2022

Praise Your Holy God

Holy, holy, holy Lord God Almighty, who was, and is and is to come."  
                                                                                         Revelation 4:8   NKJV 

The four living creatures, who are angels, never stop praising God. Day and night, 24/7 their praises are directed to the infinite holiness of God. These praises were also recorded in Revelation 1:8, where it states: 'I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End',  says the Lord, who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.' This means that God is everything from A - Z. He meets every need; He has always been there offering His love, He is with us always and, always will be. 

Check out the last part of this verse - 'and is to come'. This is not only saying He, the Lord God Almighty, will be here forever for His people, but it confirms that He - Jesus, is to come one day soon. The Rapture is close, one only has to look around the world today and see the moral decay that has, and is, and will continue to come.

The four Cherubim are still around the Throne of God and they will continue to sing praises to Him continually. Actually, just stop and think a moment, praise and worship sets you free from the problems of the world and it sets you free from your own personal problems. It is very difficult to think about your worries when you are worshipping God. Once you are totally sold out to Him, it is like your mind takes some time off and you are just lost in bliss.

Praise also stops Satan in his tracks. He is not going to hang around while you have an in-depth  worship time with God. He cannot stand it; so remember this when he comes around to tempt you, torment you or attack you. Start praising God non-stop and you can guarantee that he will scarper.

Why not spend some time in praise and worship right now. Use today's text as a starter and see where it leads you. Don't forget, when you do this you are joining in with the Cherubim too.
What a privilege

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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