Tuesday, 6 September 2022

A Fresh Anointing Everyday

"But my horn, You have exalted like a wild ox. I have been anointed with fresh oil."    
                                                                                     Psalm 92:10   NKJV 

We need a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit each day. The things of the world challenge us so, we need a top-up of the Holy Spirit to be able to make it through each day. This is why we have 'Quiet times; with God. We spend time in His presence, in His Word and in prayer and He refreshes us so that we can go out to a new day.

The word 'horn' in our text, means strength and joy. Therefore, as we spend time with God, He gives the strength we need to face the day. In fact, as we can see, He exalts us like a wild ox. Now that is some strength that He elevates us to, and we need it.

Some versions of the bible use the term, 'the finest of oils.' When you consider who the Holy Spirit is and what He signifies and offers us, it is the finest. However, it is fresh as well. When you consider that in the mornings we shower and put on clean clothes, we are refreshed, so this can be read as the 'the freshest of fine oils.'

The individual anointing that He gives us each day, is for us, not for anyone else; they have their own. We have to be careful that we don't take on too much in any given day. We should only do what the Holy Spirit leads us to do, nothing more. If we notice that we are fatigued, then we may have it wrong. We can bring burnout upon ourselves by doing things that God never told us to do. We must be careful that we stick to our own level of anointing, not someone else's. If we try to copy someone else's anointing, we have gone out of our own personal anointing and it just won't work. Be yourself, not someone else.

One thing that stops the Holy Spirit's anointing upon us is when we grieve Him. Ephesians 4:30 tells us: 'And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.' If we allow bitterness, wrath, anger or evil speaking, He is grieved. Also if we operate from a role of unforgiveness, He is offended. All of this can cause the Holy Spirit to lift His anointing from us. We know when we have done this, because there is a strong feeling of conviction and emptiness. He hasn't left us but, He has lifted His anointing away. Be quick to repent and put things right. 
Remember, we need a fresh anointing everyday.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                



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