Wednesday, 7 September 2022

Anger and Jealousy

"Then Saul was very angry and the saying displeased him; and he said, 'They have ascribed to David ten thousands and to me they have ascribed only thousands. Now what more can he have but the kingdom.' 9 So Saul eyed David from that day forward."   
                                                                                     1 Samuel 18:8-9  NKJV 

Saul was fuming and insanely jealous of David since his victory over Goliath. David was well respected by the people and as he returned from the victory, the women were singing and dancing as they saw Saul but, they obviously favoured David as the words of their song described. The anointing was on David and was quickly disappearing from Saul, and it showed.

If we are not careful, we can all fall to jealousy. We like to be respected and thrive on being recognised for the things that we do. This is natural, until we make it more important than what it should be. Jesus is our Saviour and Lord; He is the ultimate and will have no others over Him. We can't afford to become puffed up.

Saul was angry and jealous. He resented David outshining him; his insecurity showed through - big time. Wherever we go, we will find competition - people trying to outshine each other to prove they are better. But, we don't have to take part in the competition. David was in no way trying to compete with Saul. He loved and respected him and, if Saul had realised this instead of becoming all wound up about things, it may have been a different story.

As mentioned, we will always have someone who wants to outshine us. They receive all the 'Well done's' where we receive nothing, but that's ok. Some people do this intentionally, others don't realise they're doing it. But whatever, don't rise to the bait. The devil may whisper, 'They are better than you - your job is at risk.' Or, 'Your marriage is at risk, in fact it's over.' Don't listen, just take the thought captive as described in 2 Corinthians 10:4-5. Don't allow yourself to become angry or jealous. Rise above it. It's all lies from the evil one. If he can take your mind off what is important, he will do. This is why when Jairus was told his daughter had died, Jesus said to him, 'Do not be afraid, only believe' Mark 5:36; while the people were saying,  'Why trouble the teacher?'

Anger, Jealousy and Insecurity are not healthy to a man or woman of God

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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