Saturday, 24 September 2022

Do you display fruit or leaves?

I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing."                                John 15:5    NKJV 

If we cut a branch off a tree or large bush, that is the end of it. It has been separated from the main tree - life, and therefore, there is nothing left to hang on to, it is dead, it can do nothing on its own.

It's the same with our Christian lives. If we leave Jesus out of our every day life, we are not going to go very far, successfully. Trying to do things on our own - whatever it is, is a recipe for things to go wrong. The difference between us and the unbeliever is, we have given all we have to Him; we are no longer in charge, Jesus is. Therefore, to say we know best is probably not a good idea because the fact is, we don't, we just think we do.

At times, we are too proud to ask for help and keep trying to do something that we know deep down, we are not qualified for. God may put someone into our thoughts that can help. The thing is, do we ask for this help? To not do so, is pride. We then carry on and make a complete bodge of things and wonder why?

A branch on a large bush can look healthy; it has a nice display of leaves and looks fruitful. However looks can be deceiving, it may look healthy with an abundance of leaves but, that is all it has, leaves and no fruit. This is a branch that needs cutting back. Take a look at Jesus' example in Matthew 21:18-22. He came across a Fig Tree displaying an abundance of leaves but, there was no figs on it; it was a deception.

May I ask, how do you display yourself to people? Do they see an abundance of fruit that speaks to them, encourages them and draws them to you; or do they just see an abundance of leaves, with little or no fruit?

God does not look at the outward appearance but, what is actually there - the heart (1 Samuel 16:7). He knows what is fruit and what is leaves. If you want a healthy display of fruit in your spiritual walk, spend more time with Jesus.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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