"Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers." Ephesians 4:29 NKJV
The word 'Corrupt' here is a Greek term meaning Rotten and Decayed. It is used here by Paul to describe the decaying body of an animal or rotting meat. David Jeremiah says, 'Such conversation is deadly enough among unbelievers and should never be heard among God's people.' Therefore, rotten and decayed words should never be spoken by us; if we have such decay within us that promotes this kind of speech, then we need to spend more time with Our Father in repentance.
Many people have had such words spoken to them over the years. This may have been through angry parents who may have said such things as, 'You're useless, a complete waste of space.' Many have suffered this emotional abuse which may also have been from a partner. Many marriages and relationships suffer this type of behaviour and the sufferer carries many scars and open wounds. This may have happened to you.
Alternatively, you may have spoken to someone unkindly - full of rotten decay. If this is the case, repent and attempt to put it right by asking forgiveness from God and the person/s if at all possible. Don't forget, as we speak, we are also the listener (v29). We hear what we say and it can have an effect on us too. This may be in the way of guilt for speaking this way.
Whether you have been the recipient of bad words, or have spoken out such words, it has had an effect on all concerned. The one who has received such words may be full of bitterness and anger. The one who has spoken things out, may be full of guilt and remorse. These feelings need attention because they are floating to the surface now and then. So give it to God, right now.
'Lord Jesus, I ask You to forgive me for the words that I have spoken to people in a rotten and decayed manner. I am truly sorry Lord and repent and receive Your forgiveness now.
Lord Jesus, I have been hurt by the rotten and decayed words of people over the years but, I choose this day to forgive them. Please forgive me for the bitterness and anger I have felt about them. I repent of this. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Now, forgive yourself for everything and allow the chains to fall off them and yourself.
You know this makes sense.
Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.
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