Tuesday, 13 September 2022

There's no need to smash the door down

"He who has the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens. 8 'I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door and no one can shut it.'"                                                                                     Revelation 3:7-8  NKJV 

God opens door but, He shuts them too. Some things are only for a season, whereas, others are a more permanent feature. Has he opened a door for you and you are frightened to go through it? Or has He closed a door - tightly and, you are confused and wondering what to do. Be at peace, Jesus knows what He is doing and He will reveal all to you in good time.

Is God calling you to His ministry and you are struggling with, 'I can do that but, who will pay me, how will we manage?' Again, be at peace, if He has called you, then He will sustain you, you will not be in want Psalm 23:1 and Philippians 4:19.

Are you in a stable job but feel the temptation to better yourself with another job - possibly promotion but again, you are frightened to make a move? Then there are the additional's such as, 'Should I re-train and go to Uni, or what about starting my own business?' Each one of these opportunities may be realistic but, are they for you? Has God opened the door or is it just your inner-self looking for a change in your life? Sometimes, we try to smash a door down to go through it but, ask yourself, if you have to do this, or pry the door open , is it for you or are you about to make a major mistake?

Mostly when God has opened a door for us, we have an inner sense of excitement. It may be scary but, that's normal. If the door tends not to open as wide as you thought it would, with problem after problem blocking the way, perhaps you need to consider that God may be telling you a firm 'No'. But if the door is opening wide and things appear to fall into place, perhaps it's the right move for you. It will be a little scary as I mentioned and, you never fully know if it is right to do; this is where our faith comes in, but there is a sense of excitement and peace about it all that may be a guidance.

If you feel like this, why not go through the door - prayerfully, asking for God's guidance and favour. However, if you have a bad feeling about it all, avoid it, for the moment at least, because the time may not be right.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                



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