Thursday, 27 October 2022

Just Praise Him

"Rejoice in the LORD, O you righteous! For praise from the upright is beautiful."  
                                                                                       Psalm 33:1-3  NKJV 

Did you catch that? Praise from the upright. Who are the upright? You and I, if we have Jesus in our hearts. God recognises us as upright people and when we praise Him, He receives it as beautiful. God also recognises us as righteous (v1). 'For He made Him who knew no sin, to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him' 2 Corinthians 5:21. You are righteous because of Jesus.

You may not be a composer and you may not be a singer either. However, the latter we all do when in church as worship bands make their music. But to write a song is another story. We can all have phrases go through our minds, especially when we are having our quiet times with God. But have you ever tried to put these phrases - which contain praise and worship unto God, into a song? It would appear that we can (v3) 'Sing to Him a new song, play skilfully with a shout of joy'. Now this may be referring to a new worship song that you have heard. But, are you open to the possibility, leading you to singing your own song? It doesn't have to be a No1 best seller, it is just your intimacy coming through for God. Try it, you may be surprised.

You may feel that your singing ability is not good but, as we have seen, He finds your praise as beautiful - a sweet lullaby from an upright Child of God. I'm reminded of an old black blues singer - Blind Willie Johnson, from the deep south of America. He used to play his steel guitar and sing his own praise songs in churches, street corners and wherever else he was invited. I have an album of his and when I first played it, I wondered what I was listening to. He was an amazing guitarist but had a voice like sandpaper. Often, his wife would join in. One of his popular songs was 'Praise God I'm Satisfied', recorded on the veranda of his own cabin. I heard it a few times and was struck by the love and intimacy he had for Jesus. His wife would often join in while she swept the cabin floor and in church. She had no singing ability. However, it is pure joy just to hear them praising their Saviour. It was like a Heavenly choir and I know God loved it.

Blind Willie and his wife were upright people and, so are you. Therefore, start praising Jesus; write your own songs and make your own music. God will think it is beautiful and, others may too

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          

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