Wednesday, 26 October 2022

When God speaks

"For the Word of the LORD, and all His work is done  in truth."   Psalm 33:4   NKJV 

Has God been speaking to you lately? Has the Holy Spirit been stirring within you, leading you to get up and get on with what he is leading you to do? And, you know what that is too, don't you?

It can be scary but, very exciting when God calls you to move into your talent, your gifting or your ministry. People may have knocked you in the past but, God hasn't and, never will and anyway, it's God who counts not anyone else. 

As we see from today's text, His Word is spoken in truth. He will never mislead you. God spoke to Moses and instructed him to bring His people out of Egypt and into the Promised Land. No easy thing! Moses wrestled and disagreed with God but, in the end he knew he had to do this. After many meetings with Pharaoh, he managed to secure their release and they all set off on their journey. Eventually, they reached the raging, Red Sea. After much discussion, Moses obeyed God 'Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the LORD caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea into dry land and the waters were divided. 22 So the children of Israel went into the midst of the sea on the dry ground and the waters were a wall to them'  Exodus 14:21-22.
God spoke and the water formed into walls on either side of a roadway through the sea. Amazing. In Psalm 33:7 it reads, 'He gathers the water of the sea together as a heap,' v9 says, For He spoke and it was done; He commanded and it stood fast.'

When God speaks, things happen, what He creates, stands. You are a created person aren't you? Then what He says to you; you will stand. You will achieve what He sends you to do. I believe God is saying to us, 'When I speak, if you will obey Me, it will be done - it will happen!'

God created many amazing miracles in the past and, He hasn't finished yet. What's more, you are included in this, if you do what He asks. There is something that you used to do or dreamed about doing, but because of lack of support and encouragement, you stopped. God wants you to begin again; He wants you to write that book or song, play that instrument; go to college or whatever else. When God speaks, His words are full of encouragement. So do it!

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          

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"And just as you want men to do to you, you also do to them likewise."                                                            ...