Saturday 22 October 2022

Walk in Divine favour

"For You O LORD, will bless the righteous; with favour you will surround him as with a shield."                                                                           Psalm 5:12   NKJV 

In the Hebrew, the word favour is described as ratson. The meaning is pleasure, desire, delight and favour. It suggests 'to be pleased with' or 'to be favourable towards something'This Hebrew term is similar to the words hen or hesed. Hen describes mercy, kindness and graciousness. Hesed means loving-kindness, mercy and pity. (Note that hesed has a silent 'C' - Chesed).

All of this is what God provides us with, everyday. We just need to receive it. Notice the 'You will surround him as with a shield.' God actually envelopes us when we ask Him to. His favour always draws blessing to us and totally demonstrates His love towards each of His children. So everyday, we need to confess that we are walking in the favour of God. Daily, we need to receive His favour and confess and believe that we are walking in this.

God's favour opens doors for you. Next time you are out driving and need a parking space, ask Jesus, and believe me, you will find one. We do this on a regular basis when we're out. Mostly we find one very quickly. At other times, we have to drive round a bit, but, He never lets us down.

You are surrounded by His favour - pleasure, desire, delight and blessing. Why wouldn't he bless you? Just the other day, we had our Covid booster jabs. I had an appointment but my wife hadn't booked one. I went straight past the queue and my wife had to stand in the cold at the back of the queue to wait her turn. I mentioned this to one of the volunteers and she said that my wife could go in with me. This is God's favour.

Verse 11 reads, 'But let all those rejoice who put their trust in You; let them ever shout for joy, because You defend them; let those also who love Your name be joyful in You.'
Tony Evans comments on this verse: He encourages people to boast about Him and to shout for joy as a way of expressing recognition of who God is, what He has done and what He can be trusted to do.'  Tony Evans Study Bible. Holman Publishing. CSB Version

God wants you to embrace what King David discovered - His favour. David walked in this for the biggest part of his life and, I encourage you to do this as well. To be surrounded by God gives us protection. In fact, there is no safer place to be. It also opens up a whole new way of discovering, just how much fun God can be Therefore, Walk in Divine Favour!

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          

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Stop being hasty

Better is the poor who walks in his integrity t han one who is perverse in his lips, and is a fool. And he sins who hastens with his feet.  ...