Friday, 18 November 2022

Avoid dead religion

"Therefore, Jesus also suffered outside the gate so that He might sanctify the people by His own blood 13 Let us then, go to Him outside the camp, bearing His disgrace v12-13          
                                                                                         Hebrews 13:10-13. NKJV

'The priests in the tabernacle served at an altar. Yet, we have a better altar - Jesus Christ, who nourishes us with grace (13:10). After the priests sacrificed the blood of the animals, the animal's bodies were burned outside the camp (13:11). Similarly, Jesus also suffered. But He did so outside the gate of Jerusalem (13:12). His blood was shed outside, not inside the tabernacle or temple. There is no refuge in the old covenant sacrificial system. Jesus isn't there. Thus, we also need to go outside (i.e. away from dead religious activity) with Him, identifying with Him and bearing His disgrace (13:13). Being a serious Christian will mean enduring ridicule and reproach at some level, even by the religious establishment. But take heart, you're in good company'
                                                                         Tony Evans Study Bible (2019), Holman Publishers

For our own benefit, we need to avoid dead religion. Jesus is not dead, He is very much alive and wants us to be too. In fact, He offers us life in abundance but, not just abundance but, super-abundance. 'I have come that they may have life and, that they may have it more abundantly' John 10:10. Note the word, 'More'. This is over the top abundance - 'My cup runs over' Psalm 23:5. His abundance is brimming over, hence, super-abundance; it is more than enough and, there is much more to come as we spend more and more time in His presence.

If you were to be in the presence of someone who has only had a 'religious experience' of God - not the earth-shattering encounter with Jesus; you would probably come against a brick wall because, they come from a legal perspective. If we spend too much time with such people, they may rob us of all the joy and truth that we have. Be careful! The Pharisees were a good example of this. They were 'faith dampeners', as you can see throughout the Gospels. Avoid these areas; they can be quite knowledgeable (Head knowledge), but it's obvious that Jesus doesn't figure in their lives.

So, get outside of that - where Jesus is and receive life in abundance. This is what makes an impact on people. People are desperate for this kind of love and joy and, you possess it. Therefore, be the bible to them, let them see Jesus in you.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          

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