Saturday, 19 November 2022

Oak Tree People

He shall be like a tree, planted by the rivers of water, that bring forth its fruit in its season, whose leaves also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper" 
                                                                                                Psalm 1:3   NKJV 

You will have good days and bad days, these are common to everyone. We can call them seasons because we have to go through them until we reach our next season. Never forget, that blessed people are prone to negative experiences too. Leaves do wither from time to time but, for Christians, the negative things don't cause you to wither and die.

A tree planted by rivers of water is not easily swayed. There may be spells of dryness but, they are sound because they have a regular source of life from the river. We too as Christians, have regular access to this river of life because of Jesus. We may go through dry times where we are thirsty for life, encouragement and hope but, when this happens we need to reach out to our everyday source of life  - Jesus.

We are trees of righteousness (Isaiah 61:3). When we are firmly rooted in good ground and watered through our source of life, we become like oaks of righteousness that are sturdy and able to withstand the tests of time - the hardships and the seasonal troubles. We will endure the storms of life because, we are Oak Tree People!

We need to be observant; we will bear fruit but is that fruit good or bad? You will know that you are bearing good fruit when you are a blessing to others; this is the sign. When we begin to bear bad fruit, nothing really happens and people may avoid us. When we are firmly rooted in Jesus, whatever may come our way, we are able to endure. Yes, we may suffer but, we remain standing like the oak tree because, we have a continuous source from the river of life. You may have a rough time but, Oak Tree People remain standing; trials may come and they may maim us but, we bounce back and carry on standing.

Notice this, our leaves may wither as time goes by. However, this is excellent because when they wither and fall, they are replaced in the next season with fresh ones. Dead trees finish with dead leaves; trees of life continue to produce new, fresh one's ready to face the new season with fresh fruit. And if that's you, you are in Jesus and are an Oak Tree Person!

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          

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