Tuesday, 8 November 2022

It's not too late

"You have kept the good wine until now"               v10 of John 2:1-11  NKJV 

The Wedding at Cana was in full swing when disaster struck - they ran out of wine. This would have been of great embarrassment to the family and hosts and, would probably have been talked about throughout Galilee. Mary encouraged Jesus to take charge and offer help. He changed the water into the finest of wines. The Master of the Feast was astonished that the best wine was left until the end, usually this is the time when the cheaper wine is brought out without the people realising it. However, the best was yet to come.

It is the same in your life too. God has not forgotten you; you are still high on His list of things to do, and at the right time, He will deliver. Note in this account that the servants had to fill six huge water pots which would have been a bit of a task to do. The result was the finest wine money could buy, enough for around 2880 glasses. But, if the servants had neglected to be obedient to Jesus' directions, they would have had nothing. The name of the game was obedience. If you have been waiting sometime for God to move in your life, is there something that you need to do first? Ask God; He'll show you because He has your best interests at heart.

It's never too late for you. You may be a senior member of God's army, with the greyist of hair and wobbly legs around; but if God wants to use you, He will. Look at the older people God used in the bible - Moses, Jacob, Joshua, Caleb and many others. Age is of no concern to God, in fact, with age comes experience which needs passing down to the younger members. He has a place for you to minister.

Don't write yourself off, God hasn't. Take a look at Psalm 92:12-14:

"The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree, He shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. 13 Those who are planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of of our God. 14 They shall still bear fruit in old age, they shall be fresh and flourishing"

Hey, come on - there's no retirement in the Kingdom of God. The best is yet to come; it's not too late. God will still use you, if you are willing and you will have a fresh anointing as well.
Get ready for action!

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                


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