Wednesday, 9 November 2022


"Who satisfies your mouth with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's" V5 of  Psalm 103:1-5  NKJV 

The Rolling Stones sang, 'I can't get no satisfaction' back in the swinging 60's. They were obviously unaware of this Psalm which is packed with promise. Yet, many people today (and many of them are Christians) feel they are not satisfied; they always seem to be striving to find something better. From a Christian perspective, let us look a little closer at verse 5:
Satisfies your mouth  There are many people today who are desperate for food, some are literally starving. I'm not just talking of Third World countries or war-torn areas. Many are going without a good, solid meal here in our own country. Firstly, there are the homeless and socially deprived people on our streets. Often they go without regular meals. 'Oh yes', some may say, 'but they have money for cigarettes, drugs, booze and their mobiles'. This may be true, but who called us to be their judge. We don't know where they have been; what life they have had and they need support.
Many elderly people are finding things a struggle in our present energy crisis. Some are unsure whether they should pay their energy bills, turn the heating off or up, or buy food. For many, it can be a Catch 22 situation, and this is happening to all age groups. As Christians, we have so much to be grateful to God for. As we give Him the first place in our lives, He keeps His promises and ensures we have enough.
Satisfies us with good things   Just look around your home. There is probably, flat screen TV's, Hi Fi units, laptops, mobiles, iPads, cookers, washers, dishwashers, tumble dryers and nice clothes and shoes to wear. Then there is a new car or two, a lovely home, healthy bank-balance, good job and holidays abroad. It's amazing when you think, you probably started with nothing. There is so much God has done for us and we need to remember to thank and praise Him for this.
Satisfies you with renewed energy  People are living longer and many appear to be fitter than our ancestors. For instance, let us say you have just retired at 65. Think back to when you were a child and saw someone of this age. They seemed ancient to your young mind. People are taking more care of themselves. This is what God wants of us all. Things may be thrown at us occasionally - stress, upheaval and hurt but, He renews our energy so that, we can cope with it all.
The world is desperate for satisfaction but, they will only find it in Jesus. He is full of goodness and mercy towards His children. You and I have a lot to be thankful for.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          

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