Saturday, 10 December 2022

Use God's Compassion and Kindness

"A gift opens the way for the giver and ushers him into the presence of the great"    
                                                                                 Proverbs 18:16  NIV

This could be read as, dealing with a bribe and the effectiveness of this behaviour. However, Solomon was not referring to this at all; in fact, he had condemned such behaviour because this was evil and, perverted justice. Here, he was simply acknowledging the fact that expressions of kindness can open doors that, are otherwise closed. The NKJV puts it this way: 'A man's gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men.' This interpretation, although correct, misses out on a fuller meaning, as we will see below.

This verse can be divided into threes groups, YOUR OWN GIFT, A BRIBE or AN ACT OF KINDNESS. Let's look at these individually:

Taking the New King James version of this verse, we can interpret that the particular gift God has given you, fully placed into His Hand, can take off and develop into a successful ministry. All over the world, men and women of God have set up in ministries that reach out to people, preaching, teaching and preparing Christian people for them also, to go into the world and do the same. However, there are large ministries and there are smaller ones. Just because, one has a large ministry does not take anything away from the smaller ministry. This is just the way it is at the time and they are equally good and effective. There is also room here for the individual, to use his or her gifting to honour God. However, there may be a need to be patient and wait for the right time and opening.
Sadly, bribes happen in the business and the Christian world. Corruption can strike allowing an individual, company or church, to manipulate a situation in the way they want to go by offering these bribes by way of finance, contract offers or promotion to a very high position. This was what Solomon was attempting to stamp out. Check the weekly news channels and you will find it still happening today in both secular and religious movements. One thing we need to be aware of is, we cannot bribe God no matter how hard we may try by promising to be good or change a particular thing in our life. He remains Impartial.
Many is the time that we can break through great barriers of resistance, by showing someone kindness. And this probably was uppermost in Solomon's mind. Compassion can reach the heart of the toughest of people. And this is what our world needs today. Check out Jesus' compassion; it was amazing. By His kind and gentle approach to hurting people, He drew them to Himself and, this is the way the Holy Spirit wants you and I to go, down the road of peace, love and kindness.
Can you offer this to someone today?

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          

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