Tuesday, 31 January 2023

Stop looking back

"For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; and the former shall not be remembered or come to mind"                                 Isaiah 65:17    NKJV 

There is no point in looking back to the past; it is gone and if you have any regrets, learn by them, because the past can't be changed, move on. If you don't, you are carrying a great weight that is too much to bear. You are shackled to what was, instead of what is.
We need to break the power of the past and live for the future. Look what happened to Lot's wife. God told Lot and his wife to leave Sodom and not to look back, sadly Lot's wife did and she was turned into a pillar of salt.  (Genesis 19:26)

Paul commenting on the past and future, told his followers: 'Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead'  Philippians 3:13. Basically he was telling them that there is no point in dwelling in the past, be like me and press on to the future. And this is what he would say to you as well.

Stop looking back. You may have done this or that and you paid the penalty for it. Or this person hurt you and it ruined your life. And don't forget the, 'I could have been a somebody'. It's all in the past. We all have regrets and if we focus on them for too long, they can turn to guilt and deep depression. The thing is, the past can't be changed. If you have done a wrong to someone, you can ask for forgiveness but, that's about all. 

We all have regrets; we wish we had done things better or avoided the mistakes we made that caused so much problem. All we can do is confess these regrets to God - if you need to, asking Him to set you free. But when you have done this, forget them and move on to what God has for you in the future. Jesus wants you for today and for the future. In Revelation 4:8, it reads: 'Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come'. This scripture tells us that Jesus Christ not only was, but He is and He is to come. We serve the present and the future Jesus. He was there in the beginning and, we recognise and honour that He died for us and made a way of forgiveness for us, with eternal life. We are so grateful for this but we were born in the present with the future in mind and we serve a today God. Therefore, move on; get rid of your past and live victoriously in the now and present mode.

Keep your eyes on what is happening in our world today and be ready for any changes that God may make. We are, I believe, living in the End Times and that involves the present and the future. Amen? Amen

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                


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