Wednesday, 1 February 2023

God is with you - always!

"I am with you always, even to the end of the age"        Matthew 28:20    NKJV 

God will never leave you - not ever (Hebrews 13:5). Sometimes we may feel that He has; we just can't feel His presence but, I assure you that He is there. Jacob camped out one night when he was on his way to Haran. He found a suitable stone to rest his head and fell asleep. He had a wonderful, prophetic dream, watching angels go up and down a ladder that was attached to heaven. Above it, stood the Lord God who spoke to him. He gave him some encouraging words of provision and safety for the future (Read Genesis 28). When Jacob woke up, he said some striking words, 'Surely the LORD is in this place, and I did not know it' v16. Jacob was saying what we say at times - 'God is here and I couldn't feel Him'. It happens to us all.

Jacob realised that God had been with him all the time. Therefore, in honour to God, he took the stone, his head had laid on, and poured oil on it and built a pillar. This was a memorial, not a shrine but, somewhere that Jacob could remember the moment and be encouraged. He called the place Bethel. 

We all need to remember what God has done for us at times. Those times when we didn't know He was there with us, and we hadn't spoken to Him; yet all of a sudden He rescued us from a certain disaster. I remember a time when my wife and I were driving home and as we went round a corner, a car was right in front of us, driving at speed on our side of the road. There was no time to do anything except shout, Lord!' And it was just like an angel flicked the car out of the way and it sped off down the road. That was a scary moment but, it was also a 'God moment', a time when we wasn't really thinking about Him or reaiising that He was there with us, but He was and He saved our lives. I still remember it when we drive that way. Just like Jacob, it is like we planted a memorial there in the road.

What about you? Can you think back to the times when you didn't fully realise that God was with you but He did something amazing? You may have several of these moments in your memory bank. Keep them in there as memorials and thank Him for the wonderful moment He delivered you; the time He changed something that you couldn't; that time He brought something or someone into your life that changed your life for the best. Thank Him; praise Him and be grateful that we have a God that is so kind and loving towards us. What an honour to belong to Him. Amen?

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          

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