Saturday, 18 February 2023

God is Love - Love is God

'And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him."        1 John 4:16    NKJV 

When you consider it, Love is a perfect name for God. I know John was saying that God is the perfect example of Love, and this is true. However, when we read in verse 16 that God is love, then we can actually believe that He is Love. Therefore, God is Love - Love is God. Part of us would want to call Him Love and I am sure he wouldn't mind because, this is what He is. And we have known and believed in God/Love - the love that He has for each one of us and therefore, we abide in Him and He within us. We live in Love and Love lives in us.

His love is described in scripture but, it is also revealed in the fact that He died in our place - He paid the penalty of our sin. Romans 5:8 says: 'But God demonstrates His own love towards us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.' This scripture wipes out the theory in our minds, that when we have sinned, God won't forgive us. Yes He will because, He is Love and Love forgives, it doesn't keep a record of wrongs (1 Cor 13). It is genuine and loyal and He is faithful to His children. This doesn't mean that we have a licence to sin, not at all; but when we do, He will forgive us (1John 1:9). 

Warren W Wiersbe writes: 'The Old Testament Israelite would look with wonder at the tabernacle  or temple because the presence of God was in that building. No person, besides the high priest once a year, would dare to enter the Holy of Holies, where God was enthroned in glory. But we have God's Spirit living in us! We abide in this love, and we experience the abiding of God in us.'   The Wiersbe Study Bible, (2018) Warren W Wiersbe

Just think about that for a moment; The only person who could go into God's presence was the high priest and that, was once a year. We have His presence within us 24/7. What a privilege! However, do we take this fact for granted. The high priest's visits were annually and the people would have looked forward to this. We feel His presence daily, and it could be so easy to take this for granted. Don't ever allow this to happen. Jesus gave us this privilege so, let us make the most of it. The next privilege will be seeing Him face to face. That will be the privilege to beat all privileges. Until then, let us enjoy the presence of God, in our lives, each and every day.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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