Friday, 17 February 2023

God is pleased with your efforts

"Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labour is not in vain in the Lord."   
                                                                             1 Corinthians 15:58    NKJV 

Paul has just finished telling the brethren that, through Jesus Christ, they have the victory. Now, he tells them that anything they do for Jesus is never wasted - never! We can sit and look around a church and view others really flowing in their ministries. They appear so gifted as they reach out to people. While this is going on, you just sit there and watch. You may think that it would be nice to be able to preach or lead worship like these other people do. You may also have the gifting within you, yet you are never given the opportunity to flow in it. Len Magee, a great Elim pastor, evangelist and musical artist, whose records have gone all over the world in the last four decades, once told me when I was wanting to be set free in ministry: 'A man's gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men' Proverbs 18:16. It was wise words and encouraged me greatly, even to this day.

You see, at times you may feel insignificant in the church and this, may lead to you feeling just like a spare part. Don't ever think that at all. Everything that you do in Christ Jesus is valuable to Him. You may not think so, but when you are speaking to people about your faith and what is happening around you, the people who are listening may receive the answer to what they are searching for, just by what you have told them. It may seem insignificant to you but, it may be power-packed to them. 

Nothing you say or do in Jesus, is wasted. Remember: 'But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ' ( Cor 15:57). You have the victory because Jesus Christ lives within you. You don't need to be a well known preacher, musician, evangelist or pastor for God to use you. God can slip a word into your mouth that can change someone's life forever. All you need to do is : to be open to God, and, secure in your walk with Him:

BE OPEN TO HIM.  Read your bible everyday, let it sink in. Ask God for certain explanations and the Holy Spirit will enable this. Spend as much time as is humanly possible, without neglecting important things such as your marriage or friends/family, children, your job and yourself. 
BE SECURE IN YOUR WALK WITH GOD  God loves you. He has no favourites. You're as special as any other child of His. Receive that and be confident in all you do. You are victorious in Jesus, so live as that.

Too long have you been in the wings; it's time to come on stage now and take your place as a fully-fledged person of God. Stand up and go for gold!

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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