Saturday, 11 February 2023

Just be Yourself

"Do not be afraid. Stand still and see the salvation of the LORD, which He will accomplish for you today."                                            Exodus 14:13    NKJV 

When I was a young man, in a Pentecostal church, prior to training, I used to feel inadequate when I was among older Christians. I used to have the feeling that I was too young and inexperienced to be in leadership with these people, who knew far more than I did at the time. Then, when I was much older, I began to get the feeling that I was too old to be of any use to younger people. I had to take a look at myself over this and, through speaking with God, I realised that I was being insecure. It doesn't matter whether we are young or old, we can suffer insecurities and it can hinder the work of the Lord. I had to overcome this insecurity, and I felt God saying to me, 'Just be yourself.'
Exodus 14:13 says: 'Do not be afraid. Stand still and see the salvation of the LORD, which He will accomplish for you today.' This verse, very much needs underlining in your bible - it's a life verse. Fear will always try to stop us, but do it anyway. Don't let fear control you; God will always honour you even though, you may have to do it afraid. In other words, go forward and cross over into a new way of life; receive freedom by abandoning the 'slave mentality'. You are not in chains, Jesus broke them off.

Just be yourself. If God is leading you to do something, then go ahead and do it. Just be yourself, not, I stress, a copy of someone else. When we try to copy someone else, it's almost like God doesn't know us, because we are trying to flow in the other person's anointing. Be yourself, you're an original not a copy. Sometimes, we do model ourselves on another person. Treating them as a mentor is ok, copying them is not. You have your own anointing: 'But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things' (1 John 2:20). Jesus has personally anointed you and, your anointing is different to any other. Look at it as DNA, no one else has the same DNA, this is how criminals are captured. Likewise, we all have a different anointing, no anointing is the same; you are unique.

Armed with this knowledge, you have the ability to do whatever God leads you to do. He never sends us to do something that we are unable to perform. He knows our qualities and what we are anointed for and, if we are willing He will appoint us to carry out His wishes. But it will be you doing it, not anyone else. There is no need to ring someone up and ask for assistance and guidance. He has chosen you, therefore, He will guide you and show you the way He wants the mission done.

Cast off any insecurity, God's not into this, that's the devil. Grab your bible, put on your armour and go and get the job done. You are very capable!

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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