"This I recall to my mind, therefore I have hope." Lamentations 3:21 NKJV
Jeremiah really hit rock bottom at one time in his ministry. He wasn't wanted anywhere, in fact, he was your true 'Billy no mates'. However, he believed in God and despite all of his bad feelings and comments from people, he knew God was on his side. It's hard to believe this fact when you are going through unpleasant times. Why does God put us through such things? I believe that it's all about learning processes. We need to realise that, whatever may come our way, God is always with us and, despite what is going through our head, He cares and delivers. It can be a difficult road at times though.
Tony Evans says:
"In addition to the pain of Jerusalem's destruction, Jeremiah had physical and emotional scars from decades of prophetic ministry to people who'd refused to listen. He was the most hated man in Judah, the person everyone wanted gone.'
The Tony Evans Study Bible
I know that you have heard me say this more than once, but when we think back to how God rescued us from various things, it gives us hope - hope that He is watching over us and right beside us. To remember these times reinforces the hope within us. Sometimes that hope may be dwindling a little, but it is still there. Therefore, build upon it by thinking back and praising Him. Read the words of Psalm 42:5. (NIV):
'Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put you hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Saviour and my God.'
Jeremiah lost hope initially, which does happen. However, he took back the control of his mind and focused on God. We must remember that, each morning is a reminder of God's compassion towards us; they're new every morning no matter what (Lam 3:22-23). He is so very faithful. This memory of God, gave Jeremiah the realisation of God's mercy, compassion and faithfulness. It generated his hope in his soul - and it will yours also.
Warren W Wiersbe writes:
'Unbelief causes us to look at God through our circumstances and, this causes hopelessness but, faith enables us to look at our circumstances through the reality of God and, this gives us hope!' The Wiersbe Study Bible
So, if you want to live in Godly-hope, keep your eyes on Him; when the going gets tough - and it will, then focus on the times when Jesus was rock-solid for you and rescued you and placed your feet on firm ground.
There really is no need to fear - for God is near!
Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.
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