Monday, 6 February 2023

Life issues (1)

"Come to Me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."  
                                                                            Matthew 11:28   NKJV

All over the place, people are struggling with Life Issues. The economy has gone crazy with sky high mortgage rates, gas and electric prices ridiculously high and the threat of losing their home or having their heating and electricity cut off because they just can't meet the costs. Add to this, the normal stresses of life: marital breakdown, death of someone very close, sickness and childcare problems, it is understandable why the suicide rate is getting higher.

Problem after problem can build up and people, although upset, angry and in fear, may manage to keep their head above water, albeit with a struggle. Then, some small and mostly insignificant situation comes along and POW - that person is thrown into crisis. They have somehow managed to cope with all of the major issues but, some small and easily manageable problem comes along and they fall and quite possibly either have a breakdown or, a serious bout of depression. This is crisis.

Every where we look, the world is determined to stress us out, if we allow it to. What can be done? Well the first thing to do, is to face it. It is no use covering this over, putting it to one side hoping that it will go away - it won't. This is rather like whitewashing over cracked walls. As soon as it dries, the cracks re-surface. No, it has to be faced and you may need help to do this. The help may come from a pastor, a trusted friend, doctor or a person who is qualified to handle such things. C.A.B are a helpful resource, as are Age Concern if you are of that age. You may have to get professional help from a solicitor but, this can be defeating the object if you are deeply in debt because it can be costly. The best place to start , is to talk it through with someone. This may pinpoint a way through your problem.

If you are a Christian, then you may hear from some people, 'Give it to God, He'll sort it out'. This is true, He may. However, a more wiser thing to do would be to approach Jesus and remind Him of certain promises in His word, such as today's text. In this, He tells His disciples to go to Him and tell Him all about the trouble, He will then give them rest. In other words, He recognises that what you are going through at this time is a heavy burden - too heavy for you to carry alone and, so He suggests that you give it to Him.

Over the next few days, we will look at several life issues that may be affecting you. This will be done in a non-judgemental manner but with the truth that comes from the Word of God. The exercise will be done to pinpoint certain areas that affect us all in some way and how, through prayer and certain intervention we may be able to offer advice.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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