Friday, 31 March 2023

Living in the overflow

 "I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly"  
                                                                                  John 10:10b

It is God's desire that we live in the overflow of life; not just having enough but, more than enough, so that we can bless others with our wealth. I'm not saying that it's God wish for us all to be millionaires; not at all. But He wants us to have an overflow - more than enough, with no more scrimping and scraping. David wrote in Psalm 23:5:'My cup runs over.' Now that really is an example of overflow. There are many resources around us often willing to help - at a cost. However, the only source we need is Jesus Christ and His well never runs dry.
We saw from yesterday's reading that, the devil will do all he can to steal from us, kill us or our plans and/or destroy us. On the other hand, we have a God who wants to bless us with all we need - abundantly. In fact, He is the God of Superabundance and He wants us to never lack anything: 'But those who seek the LORD shall not lack any good thing' Psalm 34:10. He is committed to us and wants us to be committed to Him in the same manner.
I like what the New Living Translation says about John 10:10b 'My purpose is to give them a rich satisfying life' How does this sound to you? Is your life rich and satisfying? It should be because this is God's intention for His people. As we've seen from yesterday, there is a need to be careful because at the first sign of blessing, the devil will try and steal it away or, kill the moment. Oral Roberts says: 
'As you give your total self to God, God gives His total self to you. Jesus said that He came to give life - in fullness, abundance and prosperity. Your first step to experiencing full biblical prosperity is to believe that it is God's highest desire for you. The next step is to line up your highest desire with His.'   Copyright Oral Roberts
God wants us to live in blessing; His word to us in Philippians 4:19 informs us: 'And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.' Jesus wasn't rich but, He definitely was not poor either. He had what He needed at any given time, rather like what I am saying. Barclay says: ‘There is a myth that Jesus wore expensive, designer clothes - His gown after-all, was seamless. Now this may have been made by His mother, we don't know. But just because the soldiers  threw lots for His clothes, does not make them really expensive. We just don't know. One of the perks for soldiers, was that, at an execution they would divide the clothes, taking what they wanted. At Jesus' crucifixion, there would have been four soldiers but all Jews would have wore 5 pieces of clothing which included shoes. Therefore, when it came to who would have the seamless gown, they would have drew lots to see who the lucky man would have been. (Info William Barclay)

As I've said, in human terms, He had what He needed, His Father was not tight with Him. And He is not tight with us either. He wants you to be blessed so that, you can bless others. Therefore, get closer to Jesus; live for Him and your cup will overflow! That's a promise.
Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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Thursday, 30 March 2023

Stolen, Killed & Destroyed

"The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy"   
                                    John 10:10   NKJV 

Has the devil been prowling around you just lately, like a roaring lion? He does this to intimidate you and weaken your trust in Jesus. He is not a lion, he just pretends to be like one (1 Peter 5:8). Just consider for  moment, what has been happening in your life over the past month or so? Take a look below and assess this:

This could be your health, wealth, marriage or your children. You may not have realised that the devil has been robbing you in this way; he is so subtle and creeps into your situation. Things can be going along pretty well and then, POW, he strikes and you're left feeling devastated.
This may be your confidence, your self respect and esteem, even your faith. Where you were once bold, now your are reduced to a wreck and it feels like all the power has been beaten out of you. 
This may be a valued friendship or a family scattered and at loggerheads for some reason. It may also be your security.

There may be much more that has been going on in your world. The devil is so sneaky that you don't even realise that he is the culprit here until it is too late. This is why 1 Peter 5:8 says, 'Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.'  In other words, be on guard. 

Think of these areas carefully. The devil steals, kills and destroys everything dear to us. If we get our bibles out to read and pray, he becomes full of panic and will do all he can to prevent us. He can't stand praise. The only praise he wants is for himself. CS Lewis in his excellent book The Screwtape Letters, quotes a senior demon speaking to a junior:
“Be not deceived, Wormwood, our cause is never more in jeopardy than when a human, no longer desiring but still intending to do our Enemy's will, looks round upon a universe in which every trace of Him seems to have vanished, and asks why he has been forsaken, and still obeys.”
No matter what, this is the type of believer Jesus wants us to be. We never surrender, we never give up, even though there appears to be no sign of God around us. We carry on knowing full well that Jesus will never leave us (Hebrews 13:6). This is why we need to sharpen our swords (reading and studying our bibles), getting ourselves spiritually fit by doing this daily and talking to Jesus often, even though you can't see Him. Believe me, He is right beside you and wants to help but He is waiting on what move you are going to make first. When you stand, He will stand beside you; when you pray, He will listen, when you take Godly action, He will go into battle with you.
What more could you ever want?

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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Wednesday, 29 March 2023

God's put a fighter in you!

"Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses."  
                                                                           1 Timothy 6:12  NKJV

Life may have been difficult for you just lately. It has been one thing after another and you feel drained. In fact, if you're totally honest, it has been like this for some time, always doing things for other people but, never receiving anything back by way of thanks, except that is, criticism. You have spiritual gifts but never seem to be able to put them into action because, others push themselves forward and you, are not like that, you like to stay in the background.
You thought you would get that promotion at work, but no, the job was given to someone else, someone with less experience. It hurts, no worse than that, you are angry; burning with it. 'Why is it that I always get the second place?' you say, 'It's just not fair'. That job would have been the answer to your prayers and your dreams, you had worked so hard for it, but alas, someone else pipped you at the post. 'It's the story of my life,' you say, 'I have also been a loser, nothing will ever change.'
Stop right there! Nothing will ever change with that type of attitude. You need to change your thinking and the words that come out of your mouth. You're confessing defeat. 'Well you don't know what I have been through.' No I don't but, I can see why you've been through it. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and get up and fight. 'It's not that easy.' Yes it is, you just have to stand and say enough, God put a fighter in me and, that is what I am going to do - fight!

Graham Kendrick wrote a song some years back and part of the lyrics were:

'Where have all the Christian soldiers gone?
Where is the residеnce, will no one be strong?
Whеn will we stand up tall and straight, rise up and storm the gates?
How can we fail to get excited, the battle is ours, why don't we fight it?
Battalions of darkness rise above me
But God put a fighter in me, put a fighter in me!'

Put these lyrics with the verse of today and pray them through, out loud. If you have Jesus Christ in your heart, then He has put a fighter in you. Stand up tall and storm the gates of darkness. Put on the Armour of God, pray and be the soldier God intended you to be. He did not intend for you to be walked all over and he definitely did not want you feeling sorry for yourself. Start praising Jesus, pray, sing, dance and receive what God has for you. Having pity-parties are not part of your remit; you attend Victory parties and you, have the ability to make this happen, for you, right now. God has given you all you need, the rest is down to you.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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Tuesday, 28 March 2023

Could you walk away from Jesus?

"Then Jesus said to the twelve, 'Do you also want to go away?"   John 6:67   NKJV

What a sad situation was caused by Jesus' teaching about the Bread of Heaven (John 6:22 -70). The Jews and the rest of the listeners couldn't grasp what He was implying by saying such things as, 'Most assuredly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you. 54 Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.' (v53-54). Be honest, how would you have received this teaching, it was quite a gruesome description. But it was also one in which, you needed spiritual discernment. Of course, Jesus was speaking of His coming death and resurrection, along with Holy Communion which would follow at the Last Supper and from thereon.

William Barclay writes about three different attitudes to Jesus. Let me paraphrase. Firstly, he mentions:
DEFECTION:  Many of the disciples had walked away from Him following this teaching and many others would follow. They wanted to get out of the way in order to save their own skin. Jesus was going too far this time and they knew that, one cannot challenge the authorities in such a way and, get away with it. Therefore, they ran away. They wanted from Him but, were not prepared to give back with support.
DETERIORATION:  Regarding Judas, initially Jesus had seen a great potential in this man and was willing to give him a chance. Judas might well have become a hero but instead, chose to be a nothing. He turned people away from Jesus, poisoning their minds and eventually betrayed Him. It was a deteriorating time. 
DETERMINATION:  Peter's heart shone through at this time. He loved Jesus and they had a special relationship. When Jesus asked him if he wanted to go away as well, he answered: 'Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.' Little did he realise that in a very short time, he would deny Jesus, to save himself.
                                            Ideas re-written from William Barlclay's Commentary to the Gospel of John

In some places, it is getting more difficult to live the Christian life. As we've discussed in previous commentaries, people are losing their lives or their freedom for Jesus. It can only get worse as we move nearer to the End Times. 
What would you do if faced with serious threats about your faith in Jesus? Would you go away, as Jesus asked Peter, or would you stand your ground with Jesus? It is a difficult one to answer. We would all like to say that that we would stand with Jesus no matter what, but would we? To give an idea, if your boss or your partner ordered you to not to talk about Jesus, although hard, you would would probably make the stand. However, when your life or your family's life is threatened could you still say no? I would like to think that we could but, obviously pray that we never have to face this.

These are the things that people are facing in certain parts of our world today. The End Times may happen in our life time, so we need to  take on board what Peter's answer to Jesus was - 'Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.' We also need to be grateful to God that, at the moment, we are not in this position. Pray for those who are.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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Monday, 27 March 2023


"These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."  
                                                                                   John 16:33   NKJV

Have you ever walked along a very busy street, say for example in the heart of London. The noise is tremendous. You practically can't hear yourself speak, let alone think. When we walk down a lonely country lane, the comparison is amazing. One can hear birds calling to each other and the sound of running water from a nearby stream. The air is much fresher too. It's a joy just to walk along a track looking at the wildlife. For myself, it is much easier to concentrate in a quiet environment; there is a peace that makes you feel refreshed; it is faraway from the hustle and bustle of city life.

Every day life can be like this. The pressures that we have forced upon us, can be colossal. Work places can be stressful with people working at a fast pace and too busy to stop for their lunch, so they work through this. Just a visit to a supermarket can be stressful with people rushing around getting their shopping as if the store is going to close in a few minutes. The people at the checkouts are no different, as they practically throw the shopping over the counter causing you to anxiously try to bag all of this up before the assistant finishes and is waiting for you to pay. Stress, stress and more stress.

We have to do something about all of this before it takes over our lives. We spend half of our lives battling with anxiety - road works, traffic lights, car parks, shopping queues and ever-rising costs. Life can be overbearing at times. So what is the answer? Well, Jesus gives us the answer above. In the Amplified, the text reads: 'I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace. In the world you have tribulation and distress and suffering, but be courageous [be confident, be undaunted, be filled with joy]; I have overcome the world. [My conquest is accomplished, My victory abiding].
Note the highlights here, firstly Jesus mentions 'perfect peace'. This means 'Shalom, Shalom' ‘You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You'  (Isaiah 26:3). This perfect peace is Hebrew and implies: health, happiness and well-being. As one focuses on this peace, it helps give us the ability to be filled with joy and good cheer. Joy, we know is strength and this will help carry us threw whatever is thrown at us.

You need to realise that this tribulation is not only for the End Times, but is very present now. Daily we face problems, sorrows and obstacles. As long as we keep our mind stayed on Jesus, He will help us through whatever we may face.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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Sunday, 26 March 2023

Keep the Unity

"Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace."                      Ephesians 4:3   NLT 

Max Lucardo writes:
'Grace makes three proclamations:

(1)  Only God can forgive my Godlessness
(2)  Only God can judge my neighbour
(3)  I must accept who God accepts - easier said than done.'

God's desire is to blend us into unity. We must walk together in harmony. Imagine trying to fly a plane where everyone is bickering about wanting to be the pilot, or the pilot is useless, or we're going the wrong way. That kind of disunity is a recipe for disaster and yet, it happens in the church, at home or wherever believers are together. Sometimes, it can seem that everyone is out to be better than the others. We say things about our brother or sister behind their back and it is not very edifying. People close by may not hear it but, the Holy Spirit does and straightaway, He knows that there is a lack of unity there.

There is a Greek word for 'Fellowship' which can be found in Acts 2:42. The Greek word is Koinonia, which means sharing, unity, close association, partnership, participation, a communion or a fellowship. In Koinonia the individual shares in common an intimate bond of fellowship with the rest of the believers. Koinonia cements the believers to the Lord Jesus and to each other.  No wonder the early church was so powerful and effective. When people are in unity with each other they are hard to stop. People think the best of each other and refuse to hear anything bad said about each other. Gossip is snapped in the bud before it even takes off. The result is, God blesses.

Have you ever been in a church setting where the preacher speaks with so much power and unity that at least 3000 souls are saved? This was what the Spirit-filled Peter was doing. Where his shadow fell, people who passed threw this were affected by the Spirit. It is said that the American minister Charles Finney, was on a train somewhere and as it passed through a station without stopping, all on the platform were slain in the Spirit and saved. I have read this in one of his biographies but, I no longer remember the name of the book, so have no documentation to back this up but, it us widely spoken about. Amazing.

The conclusion to all of this is, we must be united if we want God to work in power in our lives or within the church. Very little will happen without it. We cannot praise God one moment and speak bad things about someone the next. We need to get our act together and start living by the Word of God. We will then see great things happening.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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Saturday, 25 March 2023

Jesus - the God of Second Chances

"Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, 'It is the Lord!' Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he put on his outer garment (for he had removed it), and plunged into the sea."                 John 21:7   NKJV

Have you ever tried to imagine the state that Peter was in following Jesus' death on the cross. He had denied Jesus totally to save his own skin and had watched as Jesus was arrested. He saw Him crucified and the pain and humiliation of it all. And, no doubt he took the blame on himself. Probably he could have saved Jesus? Should he have been arrested with Him instead of hiding in the corner? He had let Jesus down terribly. He would have been devastated. Have you never felt this way?

Following the confusing news of Jesus' resurrection, Peter couldn't stand it and went out fishing and some of the others joined Him. While out in the boat, their heart was not in the job and they caught nothing. Someone on the nearby shoreline shouted and told them to cast the net on the other side of the boat, which they did and POW! There was a massive catch of fish - 153 large one's in total. John eyed the man on the beach firing up a BBQ and said, 'It's the Lord' and with that, Peter jumped out of the boat dragging the net with him as he raced to the shore. 

Jesus prepared the breakfast and later Jesus spoke with Peter (John 21-15-19). During this beautiful heart to heart together, Jesus restored Peter. Can you imagine the emotions that were around this conversation. Peter was given a second chance and he was determined that he wouldn't blow this. He became sold out for Jesus.

This piece of Scripture demonstrates the heart of Jesus. Peter was a broken man - a failure who continually beat himself up for the way he had deserted Jesus. However, Jesus knew His heart, saw his worth and commissioned him for great works.

Have you failed in your walk with Jesus? Do you think that forgiveness is not possible for you now. You're wrong. Jesus is your forever friend, the God of the second chance. All it takes is to approach Him, as Peter did. Peter never spoke to Him at first. Words stuck in his mouth. He just stood and waited and Jesus showed him grace and He will you as well. 

Just come back to Him right now. He will do the rest. Just stand before Him and be amazed:
'Lord Jesus, I know that I have failed You. I am so sorry Lord. I feel awful and just throw myself on Your grace and mercy. Please forgive my failure. I receive Your forgiveness now, thank you for the second chance. Amen

Now go and praise Him

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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Friday, 24 March 2023

Don't get sidetracked

"Ponder the path of your feet, and let your ways be established."  
                                                                                Proverbs 4:26  NKJV 

Solomon is clearly stating that a person needs to be careful of becoming sidetracked. Confusion can enter our life when, perhaps, we haven't listened properly or understood what to do; or when too many people are telling us different things. We are to ponder the path of our feet. This means, we need to decide if what we are doing or where we are going is right for us. God will tell us, but we need to ask Him and then obey. 

Oppression, depression, fear and torment are strong contenders for entering our life when we are unsure of the road ahead. We need to beware of having our brains clogged with different ideas or advice and listen to Jesus. He knows the way. Brain overload is not healthy. When I was at Uni, all those years ago, when I didn't understand what an essay requirement was about, sometimes I would ask a couple of students what they thought. Their explanation was so different, that I decided to stop doing this and asked God instead. It is far better because, He knows the way and helps us to ponder our path.

God wants to do a repair job on each of us. We have all been wounded from time to time and the baggage we carry is heavy. This causes us a spirit of heaviness (Isaiah 61:3) and the answer to this, is to allow God to do some work on us and turn us into trees of righteousness - a planting of the LORD (Isaiah 61:3). God encourages us to take up a garment of praise against the spirit of heaviness, which includes oppression, depression, fear and torment. It is not part of our make up. If we are righteous, these negative areas cannot dwell within us any longer, they belong to the devil, not us. 

Therefore, when we ponder the path of our feet, we need to go straight to Jesus and allow Him to 'rebuild the old ruins, to raise up the former desolations and repair the ruined cities - the desolations of many generations'  (Isaiah 61:4). Who hasn't felt this way? We all have at some time. Probably this is where you are at this time. Take a step back and let God get a look in. He has far more power and experience that you will ever have. Let Him do the repair job. You wouldn't stand over a mechanic who is working on your car - surely. So, don't try to get in the way of Jesus. Be confident that He knows what He is doing. 

Listen - is that the sound of a heavenly cement mixer? Is there also a lorry, driven by an angel, with heavenly building blocks loaded on the back coming up your drive? If you can hear this, probably its time to ponder your path, accept that Jesus needs to do a repair job on you. Don't get sidetracked, let Him do it.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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Thursday, 23 March 2023

According to the Power within

"Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, 21 to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen."  Ephesians 3:20-21   NKJV 

Read these verses again. Who or what is the power that works in us? It's the Holy Spirit and, if we have asked Jesus into our hearts, the Spirit of God has taken up residence and will guide, direct and show us all we need to know. His power knows no end - as long as we walk with Him.

Paul says something very important here - 'According to the power that works in us.' With God, nothing is impossible, He can do more than we could ever imagine or think. This is amazing. There is nothing too hard for God. However, the emphasis is on the power that works in us. He is able to rescue from a fiery furnace (Dan 3:17). He is able to deliver from the mouth of lions (Dan 6:20-22). He is able to give sight to the blind; raise people from the dead. He can keep you from stumbling. He can do it all. He can do more than our wildest dreams could imagine, but His power must be within us; we must believe He can do this.

Take a look at Luke 8:48, a woman was healed when she touched the hem of His gown. Jesus said to her, 'Your faith has made you well.' Again a sinful woman was saved: Your faith has saved you,' Jesus said this again in Mark 5:34 and in Matthew 9:22. In fact, read through the gospels and you'll see similar phrases time and time again. 

So when we ask for healing, why is it that nothing appears to happen - we are not healed. Who says we're not healed? We walk by faith not by sight, don't we? (2 Cor 5:7). We call those things that don't exist as if they did, don't we? (Romans 4:17). When we have prayer for healing, we may not feel that we are healed, but this doesn't mean that we declare that nothing happened. It is a faith thing so, we call that healing into being until we are healed. We believe and receive - we don't give up. It is according to our faith - this power within us. We should never negate our healing by confessing that nothing has happened. If you do, nothing will happen and, this is probably why many people are not healed. They make it invalid before the healing has taken place. Some healings are instant, others are not, so be patient.

Try to get into the things of the Spirit. Walk in the Spirit. Pray in the Spirit and live in the Spirit. God's Word does not lie; if He says He can do it, then He can do it but, He needs to be able to say to you, 'Your faith has made you well.'

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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The Appearance of the Son of Man

"Like the appearance of a rainbow in a cloud on a rainy day, so  was  the appearance of the brightness all around it. This  was  the ap...