Sunday, 12 March 2023

Don't hide from the truth

"For there is nothing hidden which will not be revealed, nor has anything been kept secret but that it should come to the light."            Mark 4:21-23   NKJV 

A lamp is never lit and then placed under a bed, unless you are looking for something. A lamp is for light. When it becomes dark, we are able to function better when the light is switched on. We can see better and others can see us. It's easier to read or get involved in a hobby, such as jigsaw puzzles. It is pretty difficult to do this when the room is in darkness. There are also the health & safety issues to consider. When it's dark it is very easy to trip over. 
Why would one want to hide the light? It seems a very strange thing to do and can promote suspicion. A burglar may want to hideaway from the light but it is unusual for someone else to hide the light away. A light helps us to see properly; to find something and also points to what may be hidden in the darkness.  If we look at Jesus' interpretation of this parable, we find He is intimating that, if we put the light under a basket or whatever, we may have something to hide. We should all be aware of this because we have all hidden things from people and tried to hide it from God. Adam and Eve first did this (Genesis 3:8). They knew they had done wrong, so when they heard God walking in the garden, they hid in shame from Him. But they were found out and paid the penalty. And so will we be. Nothing can be hidden from God; truth has a way of emerging when you least expect it.

We should never hide away from the truth. There may be times when we have to face up to the truth with another believer. They may be in error or living in sin. It is always difficult to do this and there are times when we know what we should do but, fail to do it because we don't want to become unpopular. The lamp of truth should always be lifted up and we have to confront certain issues as we come up against them. Some people don't like to face the truth and it is easier to keep quiet. But when we do this, we become involved also because we are covering up the darkness instead of shining the light on something that needs to be addressed. Please note, if you need to address something with a fellow brother or sister, this does not mean you have to dash off and declare it to one and all. Just a gentle confrontation is helpful, the person then has the chance to repent and be free without the danger of being targeted. However, be careful here, it all depends on what the situation is about. If there is abuse involved or something else that is serious, this cannot be swept under the carpet and appropriate action needs to be taken by referring this to a governing body. In a serious situation like this, one cannot turn a blind eye. 

This really highlights how important it is to live in the Light. We do not belong to darkness and we should never tolerate it - ever. We may be Children of the Light but, let us remember, the devil is only too pleased to creep in when he is able. He's a thief after all said and done John 10:10.
Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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