Saturday, 11 March 2023

Receiving the Seed Final part

"He taught them many things by parables" V2 of  Mark 4:1-9   NKJV

We now come to Item 3 and our final part:

'And some seed fell among thorns; and the thorns grew up and choked, it and it yielded no crop.' v7,
The heart can become so crowded that the clutter blocks the way we should go. If we're not careful, we have too much going on in our lives and we have to seriously prioritise things. It's wrong if something is more important than Jesus. He should be priority one and can be if, we put Him in His rightful place and sort out the other things. Often the many things in our life, are not as important as we think they are. For instance, some people attend meeting after meeting in their endeavour to please God. But, consider this, are we really pleasing Him by doing this or, pleasing people. Do we attend for God or is it because we don't want to hurt the person who has invited us? God will never tire you out! Check this out below:

There are probably two type of people in our modern world: Type A and Type B.
TYPE A  These people live on their stress. They have to attend every meeting and be in every place that they believe they should be. Their family and friends take second place to their very busy life style. They work their lunch break and then dash off to their next meeting. On the way, they feel they need the loo, but they are afraid to stop because everyone they have passed, will get back in front of them again and anyway, they will be late for the appointment. This is life for them but it leads to burnout!
TYPE B  This type of person never seems to get things done at all. They mean well but seldom have the motivation to get going. They move at snail pace and are always late for meetings and appointments. They rarely finish a job, choosing to start another one with the promise that they will do the last one, later. This seldom happens. 

If you are one of these type of people, stop right now and find a happy, working balance. Type A is not helpful to you or anyone else. It's a recipe for disaster. Type B is a recipe for never achieving anything. Something must change, and quickly, because you life is getting choked with overload. 
Your spiritual life needs structure and a strong foundation. Jesus is the answer to these. He is the foundation and once you begin to understand His desires for you, He will help you build a structure that, if you keep Him in your life, will never collapse.

If you want to achieve the level of seed sowed on good ground (v8), you must hear the Word of God; accept it, live it and by this you will bear good fruit. Jesus does not want you having cares and worry in your life. It doesn't belong in the Kingdom of God because, we are supposed to give them to Him, who then disposes of them. 
So from today, determine that you are now going to be the person God wants you to be and that, you will only go at His pace. The only type of person you need to be is, a 'Type Jesus Person'
Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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