Monday, 6 March 2023

Don't just patch things over!

"No one sews a piece of un-shrunk cloth on an old garment; or else the new piece pulls away from the old, and the tear is made worse. 22 And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; or else the new wine bursts the wineskins, the wine is spilled and the wineskins are ruined. But new wine must be put into new wineskins."    
                                                                             Mark 2:21-22    NKJV

Jesus didn't come to patch Judaism with a new piece of un-shrunk cloth, because it would result in the destruction of the entire piece. He came to complete Judaism and renew it into what God intended. (Note the metaphor).
Jesus was not going to lead His disciples to follow the religion of the Pharisees. Their religion was too rigid and very dry, rather like an old wineskin. They were not open to what He had to offer - a new way entirely promoted by God. And Jesus was the way in which this would happen.
Jesus was putting something new into place. He was God in flesh offering forgiveness of sins for all of those who repented and believed in Him. But the Pharisees refused point blank to accept this blasphemy and were content in their old, rigid rules which would get them nowhere. It's very difficult when something new is introduced into a person's life. This can be demonstrated in a work situation, where a new boss arrives and completely changes all rules of working. No one wants change but, mainly it is needed. But not in the case of the Pharisees. They were lost in the past.
When something new comes into our lives, it can be difficult to accept. Take for instance, a one-parent family, with say 3 children. If the parent meets someone and they form a lasting relationship, the children may not like it at first. Their security is threatened. They don't like the new rules and plans that are being made and it can be upsetting for all involved, and if not addressed, can lead to the breakdown in the relationship. Likewise, putting new wine into old wineskins is a recipe for disaster The new wine is powerful, it may still be fermenting and after a short time it may burst the old wineskin. Also sewing a piece of un-shrunk cloth onto an old garment will eventually tear the old garment apart as it shrinks into place. 
Old works can work with new but, only if the old accepts the new and they work together until they are one. We can't patch unaddressed wounds over hoping that it will be sorted out with time. It won't, it needs addressing and possibly healing. A person who has sin in their life, can't patch it over hoping that God won't notice because, He will. He expects full repentance before He comes into a person's life; and, this repentance is a daily feature for the sins we commit during each day.

Have you been trying to patch over things that you know need addressing? You are going nowhere until you do. Why not confess this now. Also, are you struggling with old habits and the new things you're learning about Jesus are bringing you conviction? Come and confess it now:

Lord Jesus, I come before You now and ask You to forgive me for things that I keep struggling with and hanging on to. Please forgive and help me to overcome these issues. I ask in Jesus' name. Amen.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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