Sunday, 5 March 2023

We are the Patient, Jesus is our Physician

 "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."     Mark 2:17   NKJV

Jesus always spent time with those who needed love and compassion - the outcasts of the world. There were the physically sick who couldn't get work because of their disability. There were also people around who for many reasons, were down on their luck and practically had nothing. Prostitutes and the drunkards of the day all figured in Jesus' life. He loved them and wanted to give them hope. He still does. For this, He was always criticised and judged, especially by the Pharisees and scribes, as they were considered sinners and not wanted .

Jesus always had an answer for those who accused Him. As we see in our text today, He considered them candidates for repentance. They were the patients and, He was the physician. Society had wiped them off, considering them to be the scum of the world. However, to Jesus they were lost sheep and, as a shepherd does, He was looking to bring them back to the fold.

As I mentioned yesterday, there will always be critics and complainers. Sadly, many churches have them. They always feel that things are not good enough; the sermon wasn't spiritually correct, and what about this and that? Every vicar and pastor has them in their congregations. Nothing is ever right. They have the ability, if you let them, to drain people and misguide them. In my pastoring days, I was even asked to consider having two separate services, one for the 'normal people' and one for the 'down and outs,' These Pharisees and scribes were very similar. Nothing Jesus did was right. But this never bothered Him like it does us at times. Why was this? Because He was secure in His relationship with His Father.

Whatever you say; wherever you go, if you are promoting Jesus, you will be challenged because of your faith. If Jesus got the flak, you can bet that you will too. But, He could handle it, can you? Well, I say you can if - you develop your relationship with Jesus. What I mean, is live by the Word, walk by the Word, sleep by the Word and allow your relationship to be close and rock solid.

Let's remember, that we are the patient many times in our walk. Praise God that we have a Physician who puts us back together again. There are many more patients who need to be brought to the Physician. Can you help here?

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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