Saturday, 4 March 2023

Determination to get to Jesus

"And when they could not come near Him because of the crowd, they uncovered the roof where He was. So when they had broken through, they let down the bed on which the paralytic was lying."                              Mark 2:1-12   NKJV

This account is likely to stop anyone holding a group in their home. Joking aside, it was an amazing thing that happened. We know that wherever Jesus went, He drew crowds. Here, He is either in Peter's house in Capernaum where He stayed quite a lot, or His own not far away. He was holding a meeting, which was packed out. As He spoke, four friends carried a severely disabled man on a thick blanket arrived and, seeing they could not get in, went up onto the roof and began ripping part of it off. These houses had flat roofs made of mud and thatch and had a staircase at the side for easy access. They made a hole big enough to let him down to the feet of Jesus.

Jesus never mentioned the destruction of the roof but straightaway spoke to the man saying, 'Son, your sins are forgiven you.' Not all sickness is the result of sin, but Jesus could clearly see that this was. Therefore, He forgave Him and preceded to heal him as well. Certain scribes who were sitting there spoke to themselves, accusing Him of blaspheming God. However, Jesus can read people's hearts and minds and addressed this. This is something we need to be aware of; we may judge or criticise people to ourselves but, Jesus knows all about it. It's best to avoid this action altogether. 
Basically the scribes were criticising Him because they felt He had no authority to forgive sins. Therefore, Jesus demonstrated His position as the Son of Man, telling the paralytic to pick up his bed and go home, which he did and that settled it.

Wherever you go and whatever you do, you will always have the moaners and the accusers, it's part of life. Instead of falling to this, rise above it, stand your ground and move on. As long as you carry out what God has told you to do, that is all that matters. These four men who carried their friend, had tremendous faith and their love for him was evident. Therefore, Jesus noticed this and met their needs. Nothing was going to stop them from getting to Jesus and you should be the same. Never, ever, let anyone stop you from doing this. 

Also, a thing to remember is, if Jesus can heal a man such as this, He can sure get a roof fixed. Jesus' priorities showed through. Don't let the things of the world get in the way of Jesus. He must be first. Get your priorities right. If you do, the other things will be ok as well.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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