Friday, 3 March 2023

Jesus' love and compassion

"If You are willing, You can make me clean.' Then Jesus moved with compassion, stretched out His hand and touched him, and said to him, 'I am willing; be cleansed.' As soon as He had spoken, immediately the leprosy left him and he was cleansed."  
                                                                                                   Mark 1:40-45

These verses contain Jesus' love and compassion, but they also contain strong directions and a warning, one which the ex leper totally ignored. Jesus answered his plea for healing but warned him not to go around telling everyone about it, but, to go to the priest and fulfil the Law of Moses by being checked out by him. He did the latter but, ignored Jesus' request not to speak about it. Jesus was therefore, unable to go into the city because of the people and had to remain in a deserted place. Those that needed healing came out to Him.
Watch this, the leper took a risk and so did Jesus. The leper was not permitted to go into public because of his condition and Jesus, should not have touched him because of the possibility of being contaminated Himself. Both of these would have caused a great stir with the hierarchy, which wouldn't have helped Him in the popularity stakes. Jesus didn't hug the man but, stretched out His hand and the healing took place. There was something wonderful in the way He answered the leper's request by saying, 'I am willing, be cleansed.' This demonstrated love and compassion. 
It is sad that the leper disobeyed Jesus but, one can see why he did. He had been an outcast for many years and all of a sudden, Jesus has changed his life. Anyone would want to shout about it. I don't feel that he did this deliberately, not at all, he was overwhelmed by the love and compassion and the freedom that he had received. He would have been elated, and possibly so would you, I know I would have been
The thing was, this had caused Jesus a problem as He now had to change His plans. But Jesus always has another plan ready and I don't think for a moment that He would have been angry about it.

There are certain lessons that are flagged up here:

(1)  Risks are part of our ministry  There are always risks to be taken if we want to follow Jesus. We must though, be sure that Jesus is wanting us to take this step.
(2)  Willingness  When we ask Jesus for something, He is always willing to help us. It may not always be the way we asked Him to go, but He knows best. We too, need to be willing to accept His direction and go where He is leading.
(3)  Disobedience  Remember that our disobedience can disrupt God's plans and lead us along the wrong route. Always be ready to obey Him, whatever He asks.
(4)  Listen properly to Him  Always listen properly to His directions and, whether they are favourable or not, remember that He knows best. Not listening to His Word can lead to mayhem at times and, you may be subject to a difficult road ahead for a while.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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