Saturday, 1 April 2023

Don't be afraid to wait!

"Wait on the LORD; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the LORD."    Proverbs 27:14   NKJV

What are you like at waiting? It is not one of my good points, I have to admit. Patience and I don't like each other very much and I have had to work very hard to improve in this area. I'm getting there, let's just say that. How do you figure in this area? I don't think there are many people who like to wait, especially when they are waiting for something to be delivered that has been a long time in coming. Whether it is material or spiritual waiting can suck at times.
But, I have to admit that waiting is extremely important. It is a discipline, one that helps prevent us from rushing into a situation and making a complete mess of it all. Remember, haste makes waste and when we are lacking in patience, things can go terribly wrong. 

Some people worry about the future - what it holds and what will happen to us. Well, as believers, our insurance premiums are all paid up, our sins are forgiven and we have a place in heaven, reserved for when that time may be. There's lots happening in the world today and, let's face it, the economy is not great. However, if you belong to Jesus and your are a regular giver, Jesus will give back to you, there's no need to worry at all. Worrying never solved anything and fear, is not of God, it is the opposite of faith and therefore, comes from our enemy, Satan. There was an old Country and Western Gospel singer called  Stuart Hamblin who wrote many gospel songs. One of them was "I know not what the future holds' and part of the lyrics went like this: 

'I know not what the future holds, but I know who holds the future'

Just think about those words. We really haven't an idea of what our future here on earth holds, but, we know, if we've allowed Him, that Jesus Christ is our agent and manager. He is the one who we count on. We simply give Him all we have and, He takes care of the rest.
'Surely, it's not as easy as that?' Yes it is. He wants to take control of every area of our life. He doesn't do everything for us, obviously. We have to be pro-active. But as we begin to make a start, He is there to guide us on the way forward. Yes, there will be moments where we have to wait. Jesus had to wait for things so, you can bet that we will have to. The great thing is though, because He knows the future, as we allow Him to lead the way, we can be certain that we will get things accomplished properly.

Therefore, if you're struggling in any area, discuss it with Jesus; there's no need to book an appointment, He's always available. Just talk with Him, give Him your fears and burdens and get excellent counsel on what you need to do. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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