Tuesday, 25 April 2023

I'll be back

"However, the hair of his head began to grow again after it had been shaved."
                                                                                 Judges 16:22. NKJV

It is quite a normal thing to want to get your own back when you have been wronged. This is why, Paul said in Romans:
'Beloved, do not avenge yourself, but rather give place to wrath, for it is written, "Vengeance is Mine, I will repay", says the Lord' Romans 12:19.

This can be a hard order to follow because our own will is fighting against God's will. Flesh against the Holy Spirit. When we do obey this, God is true to His word and does avenge; but not always the way that we had hoped.

Samson was a mighty warrior with amazing strength. He was a Nazarite who had been born to deliver Israel out of the hands of the Philistines. However, after a series of events he fell in love with Delilah who deceived him by revealing to the lords of the Philistines, the secret of his incredible strength - his hair had never been cut since his birth. The Philistines came and gouged out his eyes after shaving his head - the source of his strength. He was then powerless. But they had made a dreadful error. They should have shaved his head on a daily basis but neglected to do so. The result being, his hair began to grow back, as did his strength.

As time went on, Samson was in the temple, performing for the Philistines' amusement when he grabbed hold of the pillars and pushed them out of way resulting in the roof caving in, killing them all.

People may have hurt and wronged you; but that doesn't mean you should try to get your own back on them. But it also, doesn't mean that you should become a door mat either, letting people walk all over you. Have a Terminator mentality by thinking to yourself: 'You may have wronged me, but I forgive you and bear no malice against you. But know this, 'I'll be back - the hairs on my head are growing again, I am re-gaining my strength and I will not be prevented from doing what God has given me to do.'

People can't handle this type of thing. Firstly, they expect us to retaliate and when we don't, they feel that we are scared. We are not, we are wise. To retaliate means that they have won and bombard you with torments such as, 'Is that how a Christian should act?' 
No, we are the People of God and He is the one who will avenge, but one thing is for sure, we will be back!

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                                


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