Friday, 7 April 2023

It is Finished - Mission Accomplished

"So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, 'It is finished!' And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit."                    John 19:30    NKJV

Jesus was interrogated all through the night; He was beaten, mocked, blasphemed, humiliated and generally treated abysmally. He was asked if He was the Son of God and He replied, 'You rightly say that I am.' Again Pilate asked Him similar and He answered, 'It is as you say.' Jesus had nothing to hide, He admitted it because He had come to save mankind and He would do so until His last breath. However, most of them refused to believe or accept His claims. However, there were two criminals each sharing Jesus' fate. The difference being, they were guilty of their crime; Jesus was innocent. One of the criminals shouted out to Him in his pain, 'Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.' Jesus' replied, 'Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in paradise.' This shows us two things, Jesus was willing to save all who would call on Him until the last moment. Secondly, the man would be with Jesus in paradise - this very day! There was no waiting room or waiting time, He went to heaven at the same time Jesus did.

Despite nails in His hands and feet, His back ripped apart from the cruel whipping and a crown of large, spiked thorns on His head, Jesus cried out in His agony, 'IT IS FINISHED.'
His mission was accomplished; God's plan, which was like a giant picture of everything that had happened, was completed and Jesus earned His right to sit at the righthand of His Father in heaven.

But what about you? Some of you reading this may not have made a commitment to Jesus. Yes, you've heard of Him and have been to church at special times on the calendar. However, you may not have actually 'got right with God.' You see, God's a Holy God, He can't tolerate sin - can't look at it, this is why Jesus died on the cross. He did it for you as well as everyone else. Please don't be tempted to think you will go to heaven when you die, no matter what. You will if you have the door key - Jesus in your heart. Sorry, but if you haven't asked Jesus into your heart and asked Him to forgive you for all your Sins, then, because of your sin, you will not be allowed in. Don't you think it is time to surrender to Him. Why gamble with your chances of heaven when you can have certainty? Do something about it right now:

Lord Jesus, I recognise that I am lost without You. Lord, I have recognised this truth right now and I ask You into my heart. Forgive my sins Lord, I'm sorry, fill me with Your Holy Spirit and come and live within me from this moment. I ask in Jesus' name. Amen.

If you have said this pray, you are born again. Get yourself an easy reading bible and study it. Tell people that you are now a Christian and enjoy the certainty that you, have a place in heaven, one day.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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