Saturday, 8 April 2023

Utter Despair

"And many women who followed Jesus from Galilee, ministering to Him, were there looking on from afar, 56 among whom were Mary Magdalene , Mary the mother of James and Joses (Joseph), and the mother of Zebedee's sons."   
                                  Matthew 27:55-56  NKJV

The only disciple at the cross was John (John 19:35), the rest were scattered. I don't think words can describe the way people were feeling at this time. Jesus had made such an impact on whoever He met and, the one's who were for Him, had trusted Him, believed what He said and now were left wondering. Jesus had foretold what would happen to Him but, many had missed it and they were now broken - their hopes shattered.

Words fail when we are left broken and disappointed; the dreams we have made are suddenly taken away from us and we are left speechless and all we have left to say is, 'Why?' The thing is, when we ask ourselves this question there are no answers and this can make it worse. Many have pinned their hopes on a future - a plan or even a dream that they can focus on, but for one reason or another, it has not come to fruition. It can be heartbreaking. 

Maybe you have had a dream that you have been working towards and suddenly, through death, separation or other reason, it has been stolen away in the blink of an eye. There are no words that can make it better, there is just an empty space in your shattered heart, a hope that will not now come alive. It's almost like we are walking through a dark tunnel, pitch darkness is all around us but then, suddenly, a light shines in the darkness way ahead, As we walk towards it, it gets bigger until we are in this light once again. For all of Jesus' followers that day, the Light of Jesus would shine again. They couldn't see this at the time but, it would happen. 

And it is the same for you as well. Darkness, loneliness, broken heartedness are all around at the moment, but that light will come again, you will have a new dream. Don’t rush it and when you're least expecting it, life will return, just the same as it would for Jesus' followers, very soon.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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