Sunday, 9 April 2023

The stone was rolled away

"But the angel answered and said to the women, 'Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. 6 He is not here; for He is risen, as He said. Come see the place where the Lord lay."               Matthew 28:5-6   NKJV 

The stone had been rolled away; the tomb was empty, Jesus had risen just like He said He would. The woman were dumbfounded and ran to check inside the tomb and then back to tell the others. Many people think that perhaps Jesus rolled the stone away Himself; He could have done this, easily. But why would He when He could walk through walls (John 20:26). We see from Matt 28:2: 'And behold, there was a great earthquake; for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat on it.' Now, the angel didn't do this to let Jesus out, He had already gone. No, the angel rolled the stone away so that the women and others, including the guards, could see that Jesus had risen.
Jesus had the power to walk through this large stone thus, setting Himself free. We can't do this. When we are bound by addictions, bad habits, porn and whatever else, we need to have help to be free. This is where Jesus comes in. He looks and sees a stone blocking the way to your heart. As soon as you hear the word of the Lord and try to take it on board, the stone prevents it from reaching your heart. There is no liberty. You need help!

Take comfort, the angel could roll the stone away, but Jesus could walk straight through it. Why? Because He is alive, nothing can stop Him, not even death. If you mean business with Jesus, He can help you to be free, today. Just ask Him to set you free from all that has prevented you flowing for Him. But, when you do this, be genuine with Him, you have got to want freedom. If you do, then get ready for the stone to roll away. Note there was a great earthquake as the angel came to move it (v2). Be prepared that when Jesus sets you free there may also be a great rumbling of power that may knock you off your feet. Receive it with joy, because it is life-changing.

Just the very fact that Jesus has risen and is alive is like several earthquakes to our enemy, the devil. He hates the fact that he cannot prevent Jesus being alive. He has no power for this. Jesus is too mighty. Do you fully realise this. The power and the love of God is within you, even though He knows we have hangups and issues. The great thing is, He can change this, so receive life in abundance from the living Jesus right now.

Lord Jesus, I receive your life-giving freedom in my heart today. Thank you that, the stone has been rolled away and I have an abundance of life within me. Amen.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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