Friday, 19 May 2023

Get behind your shield

"above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one."                                       Ephesians 6:16   NKJV 

The shield with which the Roman soldiers used, covered the whole their body. It was made of wood and covered with leather and occasionally with a sheet of tin. It was then soaked in water so that the fiery darts, shot from the enemy, would extinguish the flame as it stuck into the shield. The Soldiers would advance holding their shields up, side by side with each other. This gave very little room for anyone to get past this wall. However, their backs were exposed making it easy for someone to wound them
The darts were rather like an arrow with a steel tip dipped into pitch. This was then ignited, hence fiery darts. If these darts made contact with a person, it would be very painful. The dart would carry on burning as it made contact, causing severe damage as it ripped into the skin. There would be a burning torment, possible blood poisoning and both physical and emotional damage. It would be a slow death for some.
Derek Prince commented on this: 'Regarding the shield of faith, your front was covered but, your back exposed. The lesson? Never turn your back in fear! Keep facing the enemy and keep pressing on.'    Copyright Derek Prince 

Satan too, fires fiery darts at God's children. Therefore, we need to ensure that we are dressed in the Armour of God. The Shield is very important to us as, used properly, in prayer, we can extinguish these burning arrows. They obviously, don't have the same affect as a real arrow would on a human being but, they are still lethal and have the potential to disable us where we stand. Satan can fire darts of: jealousy, envy, hatred, fear, suspicion, fornication. lust in fact, you name it; his darts are dangerous to the Christian soul.

All the more, why we need to put on the armour:
A BELT OF TRUTH  This serves as the central point of the battle at hand. If truth is lost, the battle is lost
BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS  The vital organs are protected and moral purity is a must.
SHOES  This signifies the Gospel of peace
HELMET  The head is most vulnerable in battle therefore, if our salvation in Jesus isn't sound, we will never stand against the devil.
SWORD  This is the Word of God. We need to use the Word, as a sword so that we can counteract the devil's lies and attacks.
PRAYER  This is probably the most important part of our Armour, if we don't pray, we'll have to pay - the price.

Just ensure that your Armour is securely fitted on you. Remember, never turn your back on the devil. Just press forward.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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