Saturday, 20 May 2023

'I can'

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me'       Philippians 4:13   NKJV

It may seem a strange title for a bible study but, 'I can' is true. You can do this because God says you can, because He gives you the strength to do things. Just look around at the things in our world that people have done, from the great to the smallest of achievements. God sows an idea into someone's mind and from thereon, it is down to the person to carry this out. Many do and achieve great things, others don't, they just talk about it. Don't be one of them.

Two very small words, 'I can' make all the difference. Bob Gass said some time ago: 'How many times does something look impossible because you think it is?' And, this is true, an idea is planted within us and it appears a great project to be involved in. But for some, it soon becomes a problem because the idea appears too great - too impossible and so, it is left to rot. People have had brilliant ideas for books, for songs and even for career or starting a business but, fear has stopped them because they think, 'I can't.'

Perhaps you may be in this circle. You may have had a particular idea and put it into practice, only to find it has failed before it even took off. You should never give up at the first hurdle. Albert Einstein said, 'Failure is success in progress.' We keep on trying. Yes, it may have failed initially but we never give up, we keep on trying until we find the right way. Thomas Edison said, 'I have not failed 10000 times - I've successfully found 10000 ways that will not work.'

Can you see the difference here? Edison and Einstein turned the failure around and looked on it as progress - a way they had found that something wouldn't work. They then went on to gain success by not giving up. They were 'I can' people. God is an 'I can' God. He knew He could create the world and everything in it, Jesus knew He could go the the cross and die in our place. And, since then many other great men and women of God have achieved great things for Him, but notice - 'in His name.'

Today's text tells us that we can do all things - yes 'all' things but watch this, 'through Christ who strengthens me.' Remember, 'Unless the LORD builds the house, they labour in vain who build it' Psalm 127:1. Perhaps you may have started something in the past and it has failed. Consider this; did you try to build it in your own strength instead of in God? If you did, then repent and get back to the drawing board and achieve great success in Jesus. Because 'You can.' 

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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