Monday, 1 May 2023


"knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law but by faith in Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Christ Jesus that we might be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law; for by the works of the law no flesh shall be justified."   
                                                                              Galatians 2:16  NKJV

Justice means fair and impartial treatment - righteousness. The Layman's Bible Dictionary puts it this way: 'The act or event when God both declares and makes a person just or right with Him. To be justified is to have peace with God and hope for eternity.'
I like the way Derek Prince put it: 'The definition of Justified is "just-as-if-I'd" never sinned.' This, in one way, is a nice little slogan, the type you can see on car bumpers or back windows. However, it is the truth! This is the way God thinks about you when you have asked Jesus to be your Lord and Saviour. 'Just-as-if-I'd never sinned'. Amazing.

We can all delve back into our old life and pinpoint things that, if we let them, can make us feel ashamed. But, God does not see these, because: 'having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way having nailed it to the cross. 15 Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it.'  Colossians 2:14-15.

Remember this, the devil will remind you of those times and he'll slap a giant 'guilty' sign on you if you let him. Don't let him. You have just read, Jesus made you 'not guilty', and what's more, He chooses not to remember it, even if you remind Him of it when you are under attack. You are justified; you are not guilty. Put it this way, there was a note pinned to the cross which had details of all your sins written on it. But when Jesus died on that cross, He wiped the handwriting away and wrote on it, 'Justified'.

The devil will torment you with accusations when you take your eyes off Jesus. When your eyes are on the King, your have a hedge of protection around you but, when you take them off the King, you cause a link in that hedge to be opened and the devil has access to your thinking. It's like I have said before, if you're driving your car and give the devil a lift in the back seat, pretty soon, he is going to want to drive. Be careful.

Write Derek Prince's comments down in your bible: Justified - 'Just-as-if-I'd, never sinned'
Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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