Tuesday, 2 May 2023

Watch the 'Con'"

"Don't let the world squeeze you into its mould."  
                                                     Romans 12:2 Philips New Testament 

Be careful about who you follow and, who you listen to and what you do about it. The world can so easily squeeze you into its way of thinking. There are so many scams and cons around so, we have to be on guard to what is around us and who is pulling the strings. The NKJV states:'And do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.' Note the word 'Conformed' the writer Paul, used this word intentionally and honourably, but, our inquisitive minds can focus on the first three letters, 'Con'. Hear me properly, Paul did not mean this as it sounds, but in the setting of what goes around in our lives each day, and the message of our text this morning, it could be used as such.

There are many people who will try and mislead us both in the secular and spiritual worlds so, we have to be wise. We would be better placed to train ourselves to think differently. I've mentioned before what RT Kendall says but it makes its point here: 'Try to think what the devil would have you do and then, do the opposite.' I like this and I believe that it can be a great starting point for outsmarting him. Let's face it, we can either think victory or defeat; joy or sorrow and life or death. By deciding that our glass is half full and not half empty, we become more positive in our thinking. Someone once wrote: We can alter our lives by altering our attitudes.' 

We need to turn things around that instead of seeing things as negative, we see them as positive, instead of chores, see them as blessings. We need to be walking in blessing not as a defeatist. Don't forget, we can be our own worst enemy by the way we react to things so, determine to change this. You can do it with God's help. We should never be a copy cat by endeavouring to mould our ministry and lives on other people. God doesn't want you to be a copy, He wants you to be you!

Over the years there have been many false Christ's coming to the surface. Some cult leaders claim that they are Christ and are about to change the world by revealing themselves. Others have claimed that Jesus is about to return soon, some even giving the dates. It's true, Jesus will be coming soon but, let me just say this, Jesus Christ does not need to advertise who He is, when He will come or anything like that. In fact, Jesus doesn't know the time that He will return. Only God knows this (Matthew 24:36).

So don't be conned or misled. Get close to Jesus, Jesus will let you know when the time is right. Until then, the only mould you need to be squeezed into, is the mould of Jesus.
Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                                


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"And just as you want men to do to you, you also do to them likewise."                                                            ...