Wednesday, 24 May 2023

More on your new nature

"So stop telling lies. Let us tell our neighbours the truth, for we are all part of the same body. 26 And don't sin by letting anger control you. Don't let the sun go down while you are still angry. 27 For anger gives a foothold to the devil." Ephesians 4:25 - 27   NLT

Let us take a closer look at living in our new nature. David Jeremiah writes: 'A Christian's uniqueness in the world should be apparent in his or her morality, mood, money, mouth and manners. To avoid sinning in the heat of anger, God's people should not nurse, rehearse, discuss or project their anger onto others. Instead, they should control their anger and deal with it quickly to prevent the enemy from gaining any ground in their hearts.'                      The Jeremiah Bible, David Jeremiah Ephesians 4:25-28

Just because we are now coming from the position of a new nature, this does not exclude us from being susceptible to the devil. In fact, we will be moreso, because we have recognised that we are someone in Christ and people we meet, may want a piece of what we have. The anger issue is a biggie, Once we submit to losing it completely, we are well on the way to upset anyone in our sight. It starts so small; someone may have said or done something to wind us up. Instead of forgiving them or totally ignoring it, we retain it and then we start focussing on it until we are seething with anger. At this point, we can still free ourselves from this but we need to call on Jesus to help with this. Call on anyone else and they may add more fuel to the situation.

Remember, once we allow ourselves to get into this state we are practically out of control and the devil begins to take over. Verse 27 here, tells us, 'For anger gives a foothold to the devil.' Now you've heard me say many times that, 'once you allow the devil into the backseat of your car, pretty soon he is going to want to drive.' And this is so true, once we invite the devil in - because this is what we are doing by acting in this way - once we let him in, he will take over and once this happens we will have some big trouble.

Therefore, let us watch what comes out of our mouth - no foul words or course jokes, no lying to anyone, not even small ones such as 'white lies.' There is no such thing, they are all lies and we need to stop it now. Watch the anger and remember, 'with a short fuse you're gonna lose.'  (Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard)

We'll  look at a little more tomorrow. God Bless
Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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