Tuesday, 23 May 2023

Put on your new nature

"Throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception. 23 Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. 24 Put on your new nature, created to be like God - truly righteous and holy." Ephesians 4:22 - 24. NLT

We need to have the attitude, 'It is no longer I. Someone else is in charge of me, and His name is Jesus.'  We need to 'restrain and re-train' ourselves. Restraining from our old way of thinking and doing things, and re-training ourselves to be more like Jesus in all we say and do. In other words, re-training ourselves to walk God's way. This is how we renew our minds.

Doing this, we have not only changed our minds but, we have changed our citizenship; we belong to a new creation in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). So our old way of life should no longer have control over us. We belong to Jesus. Warren W Wiersbe says, 'We have been raised from the dead - so why wear grave clothes.' I like that phrase, once we were dead in our sins but, now, we have been raised from the dead of our past life and have received eternal life in Jesus Christ.

However, this is not the end; we still have to keep a watch over our mind. Sin is all around us with, temptation around every corner. Demons will try to entice us to fall to their level. They will make it easy for us to take part in sinful situations, if we are not careful. We need to remember that we do not belong in our past nature, we belong in the new one, the one that Jesus rules and, He is only a step away. All we have to do is call to Him for help and, He will be there to rescue us. However, He does expect us to make a stand for ourself. After all, the Spirit of God dwells within us in power and, while we are walking the walk with Jesus, we are a powerful duo. All we need to do is confront evil in the name of Jesus and command the devil to leave our presence. We resist him and he must leave (James 4:7). 

So therefore, keep a check on your thoughts and attitudes and keep them in obedience to Jesus. Read the Word of God; pray and pray some more and make sure you are clad in the armour of God. You need it.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                                


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