Tuesday, 13 June 2023

'We don't know what to do, Lord'

"O our God, won't You stop them? We are powerless against this mighty army that is about to attack us. We do not know what to do, but we are looking to You for help"   
                                                   2 Chronicles 20:12  New Living Translation 

This can be a familiar cry to God, as we struggle with sudden dangers, bad news or any other crisis. We can be caught unawares and therefore, immobilised by the panic of the situation.
This was how Jehoshaphat must have been feeling. Mighty armies were coming against him, more than he could ever cope with and he was very worried. We see this in verse 3: 'Jehoshaphat was terrified by this news and begged the LORD for guidance.' This really is the only way to deal with threats and evil news.

Note that Jehoshaphat called for prayer and fasting and, as he called out to God, a prophet by the name of Jazhaziel came forward with an amazing Word from God (v13-17). There was no need to fight, the battle was already theirs. All they need do was take up their positions and watch. They did this and Jehoshaphat led his army with music, praising the Lord. And they witnessed that God caused mayhem amongst the armies, where they began fighting each other until, there was no one left alive. 

God had it in hand. He had it sorted the moment Jehoshaphat called on Him and, this is how it works for us too. We've all had those times when we were in frightening positions and we thought we may go under. But, as we called on the Lord, He was there and handled the situation. I believe that there are some reading this right now that are worried about a certain thing. They are not only worried but, sick to the heart with fear and this is causing them sleepless nights. Allow me to speak personally to you:

'Can you do anything about this situation? If you can, then do it. If not, give it to Jesus right now and leave it there. Don't take the fear and worry back. Remember what Jehoshaphat did, he caused the army to praise God. Do this, and do it right now. Praise like you have never praised Him before. As you do this, allow Him to lift the burden off you, and then praise Him some more. God will bless you abundantly - read 20:25. They had so much plunder to gather that it took three days to collect it. That is some blessing and God wants this for you"

Don't ever allow fear to control you again. You are victorious people so, live as such. You have the blue print before you - the bible. This is filled with the plans and directions for your future. It is sacred and true, it doesn't make false promises. So, read it, take it to heart and live by it like never before. You will benefit by doing it.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                                


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