Friday, 9 June 2023

You have been blessed

"My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life"    John 10:10b   NLT

God offers us life in abundance. Think back to before you knew Jesus - before you were saved and then, look at what you are and what you have since that time. You are blessed.  You may not have won the Euro millions and be super rich but, you are rich in another way - you have the anointing of Jesus Christ, He is your Saviour and you are His child and brother or sister

You may have been penniless before Jesus came into your life. You may also have been unloved, in a doomed marriage or lifestyle or you may have been broken. Now look at you; you are blessed beyond your wildest dreams. You have a future and look forward to it, eternally. No one has really seen heaven and it is impossible to imagine what it is like. We get glimpses of this in the latter part of Revelation but, even then it is hard to comprehend what it all means and how it will all work out. 

Those dark and dismal days before Jesus, was lived with no hope, no future and nothing really to look forward to. Sometimes it was painful to live those days and it was hard to see other people, living successful lives but yourself lonely and lost. In those days it was like you had no one who cared; you may have worked very hard but, all to no avail. Your wage was swallowed up in paying bills because you were so much in debt. The worry of things made you feel ill and you were constantly visiting the doctor. It was awful.

Then, all of a sudden you received a feeling of peace about everything and deep down, you knew all was going to be ok. You hadn't a clue how this would work but, you were filled with a sense of hope and a feeling of, 'Everything's going to be all right.' And all of a sudden, He was there - Jesus. He came to you in His own special way and although the problems were still with you, it didn't matter. It was almost like you were hearing a voice that said, 'Don't worry, I'm here now, just turn to Me and say a prayer, I will do the rest.' You may well have heard this or something similar, you don't really know because your head was in a whirl of excitement and anticipation. 

Since that wonderful time when you met with Jesus, life has been different - not always full of beautiful roses in a garden, but much better than before. You have a meaning in life; you are a somebody - the child of a King and He has filled your life with abundance because, He loves you.

He will continue to bless and look after you as you walk with Him, so just spend some time just thanking and praising Him for all He has done in your life. Once you were lost and now, you have been found by Jesus.

 Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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