Tuesday, 5 September 2023

God wants you happy and loved

"The end of a thing is better than its beginning."   Ecclesiastes 7:8    NKJV 

You may not have had a good beginning in life, but you can be assured, you will have a much better ending. Jesus will see to that. We may have questions about our life, such as: 'Why did this happen to me?' Questions such as these are very difficult to answer and if we're not careful, we can end up thinking things that never happened.

Max Lucardo in his notes to Romans 12:2 says:
We only have a fragment. Life's mishaps and horrors are only a page out of a grand book. We must be slow about about drawing conclusions. We must reserve judgement on life's storms until we know the whole story.'
                                                    The Lucardo Encouraging Word Bible. (2020) Thomas Nelson

It is so easy to get things wrong. An earlier marriage, may well have fizzled out and you are suffering the aftermath of it all. But, how long has it been since this happened? If it is a while, why are you still  torturing yourself over it? It was the past; you are living in the 'now' and there is life out there and if you want a piece of it, you must make an effort to grab a hold of it. This is a choice that you have to make. A choice to remain as you are or, take the plunge and grab that new life.

Many people today have lived through a broken relationship and it hurts, especially if you are the wounded party. Parts of you will have made vows to yourself that you will never be treated like that again. Inner vows can be binding and can control your life causing you to trust no-one , including a new, potential partner. Therefore, whenever things become a little heated or you feel that a person is getting too close to you, you can recoil away and if you do this on a regular basis, you may lose that potential partner.

Let me ask you this, 'Do you trust God? If your answer is 'Yes,' then can't you trust Him to send someone into your life that will love you and take care of you? If your answer is no, then you need to seek God much more so that He can bring a deeper healing to your heart and mind. We only have one crack at life on this earth, if you want to live alone, that is your choice, be blessed by it. However, if you want someone in your life, then try to drop your guard and realise that, not all people are out to hurt you. Maybe there is someone God has for you; why not ask Him to show you.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                                


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