Monday, 4 September 2023

Try a little kindness

"And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you."                    Ephesians 4:32   NKJV

The country singer, Glen Campbell had a big hit with this song: 'Try a Little Kindness' back in the 60's/70's. Written by a fellow Christian, Bobby Austin, Glen Campbell was always enthusiastic about sharing his faith, especially after recovering from an addiction himself, to booze. The chorus line, basically says it all:

'You've got to try a little kindness yes, show a little kindness
Just shine your light for everyone to see and if you try a little kindness
Then you'll overlook the blindness Of narrow-minded people on the narrow-minded streets'

Not everyone is easy to get on with. Everyone is different. Just because a person is a Christian, doesn't mean they are perfect. Many have rough edges, rather like you and I have. However, we can overcome a lot of attitude with being kind to whom we meet with. It costs nothing and, in many ways, may pave the way forward to a lifelong friendship. Kindness can win over many situations. For example, the door knocked on my house the other day and when I opened it there was a man stood there holding a leaflet from the Jehovah Witnesses. He was very polite, not at all pushy as he offered me his leaflet. I told him that myself and my family were Born again, Spirit Filled Christians. I then spoke to him very kindly, explaining what my faith meant to me and , how it differs quite a bit from what the JW's offer. Because I showed him kindness, he relaxed and we had a good conversation for a few moments. He then went on his way with my words hopefully sown.

You see, just because a person is a JW, Mormon or any other religion, we should not ignore them or, be rude in any way. What would Jesus do in this situation? He would show them love and kindness; and this is how people are drawn to Jesus. Of course, if you don't feel you can have a conversation with someone from another faith, then politely excuse yourself. This is not offensive to them at all. After many years of Street Evangelism and the offensive language I received from some people, I now try to be kind to people who want to talk about what they believe.

Kindness should be at the heart of Christians, you never know who turns up at your church. Imagine if you have been unkind to someone and they come in and sit near you. That could be very embarrassing. Also, you never know who you may meet in heaven.
Determine to be kind to all you meet and shine your light for everyone to see. Just think, kindness can be infectious - the more you give out, the more you may receive.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

Member of the National Association of Christian Ministers

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