Tuesday, 3 October 2023

Ensure you make the right choices

"The rain fell, the rivers rose, the winds blew and pounded that house, and it collapsed. It collapsed with a great crash."    Matthew 7:27   CSB

This man had chosen the wrong foundation to build his house on. He chose sand instead of a rock and he paid the price for this, drastically. We have to live by the choices that we make and, sometimes, those choices are not good ones. This may be where you are at this moment. There are ways out of these choices but, they need to be thought through seriously so that it doesn't go wrong and you are in a worse state than you were before. The only sound way to do this is, with God's help and direction. Initially, you may have rushed in blind and now you're paying the price. Seek God's help and He will direct you to the right way Proverbs 3:5-6. 

There's a story that Tony Evans tells about the time he had a crack in the internal wall of his house. He had builders in time and again but the crack kept re-appearing. Finally, it was found that the problem was not with the wall but, a shifting foundation. The moral to this story is, don't address the symptom address the source. There may be symptoms indicating something is wrong but, where are they coming from; we need to find the source to address it properly.

How are you doing in the decisions you have made just lately? Have they worked out well or are there problems that don't seem to go away. What is the source? Have you borrowed so much money that it is getting impossible to pay it back? Go to the source and which is probably the bank and talk this through. In this day of high debts and problems caused by the pandemic, there is more understanding where loans are concerned. If you fail to do this, then you will have a major problem because the bank will move to recover that debt. Approach the source and negotiate.

You may have a sickness that has been giving you problems for quite a while. Don't you think you need to get this checked out while you can? You have the symptoms but you need to find the source but, you won't get it by reading medical books, checking the internet or listening to well-informed but unskilled people. Go and find the source.

There's a plumbing job in the house that needs attention and you know that you are not capable of doing it. But, to save money, you make the choice to 'give it a go' and attempt this yourself. After a while, you realise that you made a mistake by choosing to do this; the is very obvious because you are standing in three feet of water. What was a cheap and simple enough job to an expert has now turned in to a major task that will cost you quite a bit of money. Why, because you were not skilled enough to go to the source and trace the problem from there.

Good choices are dependable foundations and perhaps you need to remember this fact.

Lord Jesus, I have sinned and I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                                 


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