Wednesday, 4 October 2023

You need a day off

"On the seventh day God had completed His work that He had done, and He rested."             
                                                                                    Genesis 2:2.  CSB 

God rested on this, the seventh day, which was about to be known as the Sabbath. He did this to give us a model to adhere to. If God needed to take a day off then you definitely do! He wants us to enjoy all He has provided for us. We live in an action-packed, stress-filled world, one in which we meet competition and huge challenges. There's always something that needs doing and very little time to do it in, let alone find time to rest. Notice what Jesus demonstrated when He and His disciples got in a boat to get away from the crowds Mark 6:31-32. 

We need time for our family, our hobbies and for ourselves; yet trying to take a day off seems one of the hardest things to do at times. We get people ringing us with a problem and we feel that we should drop everything and attend to them. If we don't we begin to feel guilty that we haven't helped them. Work wants us to go in and work on a project that needs to be finished by the end of the day. If we turn this request down, we worry that we may lose our job or the promotion that we have been after.

Let me tell you something from experience, the person who rang you for urgent help, will find that help elsewhere if you can't make it. They will survive. Your work place will find another way to reach this urgent deadline; they too will survive and they will understand you need time off, but if they don't they're not worth working for anyway. Relax, everyone is entitled to at least one day off a week. If you don't make the use of some free time now, you may live to regret it later on.

You are one person. As we've seen, God, who is mighty and powerful, needed some time to relax and see His handiwork, so do you. Let's not view this wrong though, God didn't need to rest; He wasn't tired or worn out like we get. No way, Hosea. God was writing a blue print for us to work by; an action plan which included all the things that we would encounter in our earthly life: work, leisure, family, healthy life style, exercise -all these things and more and we need to take notice of what He is saying to us.

Many people reach the end of their life with regret. They wish they had spent more time with family, with their hobbies, holidays etc. We only have a certain time here on earth, so, ensure that you prioritise. Your family are precious, so honour them, no job is worth neglecting them. And this goes with your health too. Take care of yourself and relax when you can. There is so much more you can get out of your life if you think about it.

Lord Jesus, I have sinned and I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                                   

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