Saturday, 21 October 2023

Stop trying to be God. Part 2

"Get behind Me Satan. You are a hindrance to Me because you're not thinking about God's concerns, but human concerns."    Matthew 16:23     CSB

Let's carry on with Peter's attempts to come between God and His Son. We saw yesterday how Jesus addressed this swiftly. He was not going to allow the devil to take over the situation, through Peter's lack of wisdom. Satan poisons a person's words if he can and we, as God's people, need to be on guard for this type of thing. As I have often said, 'If you let the devil into the back seat, pretty soon he is going to want to drive' (KCM) and it is true, so be aware of this.

Every time you and I disagree, judge someone, criticise them, complain or back-bite them, you are not agreeing with Jesus, the devil is pulling your strings and this, may block a blessing from God. Note that when Peter agreed with Jesus, he was blessed (Matthew 16:17). But when he tried to prevent God's will, he was speaking from the devil and he became a hindrance and stumbling block. Think about it, he had the audacity to rebuke Jesus (v22) and try to forbid Him from carrying out His Father's will, saying, 'This will never happen to You.' It's possible that Jesus' words to him earlier in v17-19, had made him puffed up or too big for his boots. Initially, this can happen when we are placed in charge of people without the experience. Peter wasn't ready for this role; he had a lot more lessons to learn, and so do we.

A lesson to learn here is, we need to be quick to recognise evil. It comes so quickly and sometimes, from the most unlikely of sources. Don't become complacent, feeling all is well in your life. Remember Peter's warning in 1 Peter 5:8, 'Be sober-minded, be alert. Your adversary the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for anyone he can devour.' It had cost Peter a lot to learn this lesson; we just can't afford to take a day off. Lions creep around very quietly in order to try and catch their prey. In comparison, check out a domestic cat in a garden when he's stalking a bird. Slowly he will crawl on his belly until he is close enough to pounce. If the bird is not alert, then his life is over. Similarly, this is how the devil creeps into situations in our own lives or church. 

Don't get me wrong, not everyone we meet is our enemy - far from it. However, there will be times when your spirit feels things are not quite right and that is the time to take notice. The Holy Spirit may be alerting you to a potential hindrance or stumbling block; so pay attention. Of course, to be alert about such things, you need to be connected to the Holy Spirit. This is why Paul tells us so often that we need to walk in the Spirit. To fail to do this is, to have the spiritual connection down in your communication channel.  Be sure that this does not happen.

I never like to end without giving someone the opportunity to ask Jesus into their life, or, re-dedicate their life. If that is you, pray this prayer and please let me know:

Lord Jesus, I have sinned and I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                                   

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