Thursday, 26 October 2023

Watch the hypocrisy

 "And the high priest Ananias commanded those who stood by him to strike him on the mouth. 3 Then Paul said to him, 'God will strike you, you whitewashed wall. For you sit to judge me according to the law, and do you command me to be struck contrary to the law?'    Acts 23:3-4   NKJV

The term 'whitewashed wall' used here by Paul, meant 'dirty, lying hypocrite.' Quite a strong-term to use against the high priest. However, Paul had not noticed that he was the high priest, possibly because he had been on his travels for so long, or his failing eyesight. One of the popular explanations, was that Paul didn't recognise him because of his behaviour. He didn't live up to the standards of a high priest. In addition to this, it was illegal, according to Jewish law, to abuse an innocent man. Don't forget, at this moment, Paul had not been tried and convicted.
'Whitewashed wall' means to have covered up dirt and cracks on a wall by whitewashing over them. Initially, after application, the wall will look good, but as it dries, the cracks and possibly some of the dirt will come back to the surface. Paul was calling Ananias a hypocrite for commanding other people to do this abusive action knowing full well that it was wrong. Paul was quick to apologise for using this term towards the high priest, but he had made his point. The high priest, who had a reputation for being despicable, had not lived up to his calling, and later on would have to flee for his life because of his known sympathies with Rome. The Jewish guerrillas found him hiding in an aqueduct at Herod's palace and killed him. (The Wiersbe Study Bible)

There are many times that we, as Christians fall into the trap of hypocrisy. If we're not in control, things can come out of our unguarded mouth, or we can do things that we shouldn't. However, we need to guard against having someone notice this behaviour in us. Let us not forget that we are, ambassadors of Jesus Christ. People notice our behaviour and speech and they can be very quick to judge and criticise. 

Sadly, Christians are targeted and persecuted in many areas of life and in this day of political correctness, WOKE and other areas one has to be careful what we say. That doesn't mean that we should be doormats, being walked all over. When we need to stand up to speak for our faith, we should do so. But we should also guard from getting a reputation as a 'Holy Joe', because then, no one will take us seriously.

I never like to end without giving someone the opportunity to ask Jesus into their life, or, re-dedicate their life. If that is you, pray this prayer and please let me know:

Lord Jesus, I have sinned and I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                                   

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